Stunned after a collison with a window, I was able to hold this Magnolia Warbler as it recovered from the blow. My wife took this picture as I held it. This was a rough day during its migration North for the summer a few years ago. It survived that day and I had an hour to see its beauty up close. Then with a small gust of wind it departed as suddenly as it came.
yeah dad tell them the story of the bird.
I don't want to know the story!!! Your son sounds just like my daughter!!!!
Cool idea for a blog...now I have to go see who you are....
ok Hi Stephen, nice to meet you! Great blog!
It's not a bad story...for the most part! My dad(nikon sniper) is a bird enthusiast...I think secretly because he wants an interesting subject that is ever changing to take photos of off of his deck.
Well, one day this little bird(there are probably at least 60 of these gold finches)flew into the window and dad ran out to help the bird.
Once the bird had gotten it's appropriate amount of mouth to mouth resesitation he grabbed his camera and started taking pictures before it flew away.
I am not sure if the bird cooperated because it flew into the window and was stunned...or because of the mouth to mouth.
Aren't birds wonderful?
This is an amazing shot, partly for the bird landing on your hand, but partly for the detail and depth of field in it.
Sweet story... I'll take this to mean the little guy was meant to arrive somewhere safe and sound.
That is too funny Erin.
I have held a hummingbird in my hand when one flew into my living room and hit the window on its way out.
It felt amazing but didn't stick around for the paparazzi.
The photo is amazing but so is your dad erin..for helping the precious birdie!!
awwww, I'm glad this little guy is ok....great pic!
Definitely a survivor. Glad you were able to help.
Wouldn't that be "mouth to beak"?? Hmmm....
WOW!!! Out of the world!
I am so happy that the l'tl birdie is ok..
Excellent shot, very simple but powerfull and it's good that little bird is ok.
Remarkable and beautiful. There are no words to explain a connection with a wild animal like this one.
Fantastic image!
What an amazing photo. Very few woiuld ever come so close. And it is tiny.
Melbourne Daily Photo
To be that close to a little life that otherwise would be unapproachable is remarkable. A true blessing and gift.
Seems as if the good Lord wanted you to see His tiny creature up close and personal! He is so good to you :) What an honor to hold such beauty in the palm of your hand - a treasured "gift" for Steve, the son of The Most High King!
Very cool! We had a similar encounter with a hummingbird (it's on my blog).
What a special moment. Thanks for sharing.
Lynda in Michigan
Great picture!
Love the picture and the story about it!!
It's beautiful!
What a cute little bird ^^
Such a tiny little bird and he shows no fear. Wow!
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