Several years ago I discovered the hassle of dust in the cameras and the cleanup process. I decided that I would not open cameras up to switch lenses. This has been an expensive decision because each lens I use requires its own camera body. I don't switch lenses ... I switch cameras. When I switch cameras ... I want the systems to work exactly the same. If I get into a serious run and shoot situation I don't want to be thinking about 3 different brands of Nikon cameras. They all have subtle differences and I dont want to miss a shot because I am using a D70 when I am thinking D90 in my head and made a wrong adjustment on the fly. This is why I am currently using (4) Nikon D90's and the D7000.
PLEASE NOTE: The last time I posted this information I got a few really nasty replies from people who were angry at me because they thought I was boasting the ability to own three cameras. PLEASE understand some other things about my life. I don't own a television! I only have 1 car! There are many things that people have and take for granted that I don't own. I am not some rich guy braggin'. I do have decent photography equipment but believe me, ... Nikon and Canon and many other manufacturers produce far better cameras than I own. I don't own the best of them because I can't afford 3 of them. I am sorry but I need to have good (not the best) equipment. So, please don't chew me out. Can you tell I am ducking from shoes being thrown at me in this paragraph?
I sorta expect a comment from Braff Zackton about spending his college tuition on cameras. If he does say something like that ... get him to tell you about the checks I had to write because he decided to hit baseballs through winshields (plural) at Bates Park. Uh, ... Dad, the police would like to talk to ya!

Nikon D7000

Nikon D90

Nikon D80

Nikon D70

Canon SD850 IS

Sony F717
Being a married man, alas, I can only run to one Nikon D40.......
Berry berry interestink! Favourites - and reasons why, please? I use a battered D100... it does the job but I yearn for a 'big girl' camera!!
bush babe,
the sony was my first shot in digital. prior to that it was all film based nikons.
then came the jumps from d70 - d80 - d90. the d90 is far better in my oppinion for many reasons ... but i love the sensitivity of the sensor the most.
the canon is in my oppinion a better camera in that point and shoot class than it's nikon counterparts. the nikons are good cameras. i just appreciated the canon format better. i really bought the camera because i was introduced to all it's whacky and cool features that dslr's don't have because they sorta expect you to minipulate photos via software when you own a dslr. this canon point and shoot is a very good pocket camera. i believe this model has been discontinued but the newer ones are likely even better.
typically, i don't carry a pocket camera because to me ... i just know the nikons better and i know them blind.
favorite by far is nikon d90 and i am sure i will see something i like better in a few months. when i sell my cameras ... they are still covered by about two years of warranty.
nikonsniper steve
I have the Nikon D80 myself, and husband has Nikon F6. Which lens do you find yourself using the most?
I am envious of your ability to dedicate bodies to your lenses. I am preparing to go to South Africa for a photo safari and will be bringing my canon dslr and a point and shoot (as a back up) and so I can avoid changing lenses while out in Kruger park (to avoid as much dust as possible). While reading the opinions of others and their experiences, people either missed a lot of photo opportunities while changing lenses, or ended up with a lot of internal dust that negatively impacted their images, so I will probably put the 100-400mm telephoto lens on and use the point and shoot for anything closer to the land cruiser. Also, the friend I will be traveling with is not much of a shutter bug, so she will be able to take pictures and I will not have to worry about the details. Another thing about carrying multiple camera bodies is that they can be bulky and weighty when space is limited (and binoculars will be in my bag as well).
what a great opportunity you have. i would love to do that someday. very cool and you are right about the bulk and traveling hassle of it all. i would rather not take a change of clothes than to be without my cameras on a trip like that. perhaps, this is why people avoid me at breakfast. ha! just kidding ... but you're right about the lugging problem.
nikonsniper steve
definitely the 18-200mm.
nikonsniper steve
hi stephen a question please if i may .
as these camera are very expensive and the lenses even more so, my digital toshiba pdr3310 recently died on me, dead finished. So sat in my cupboard i have a old slr olympus om10 with , 28mm 50mm & a 70-200 zoom lens plus a few 2x converters, till i can afford to start again say with a olympus dlsr or nikon camera body is it possible to use these lenses till i can afford dlsr lenses .
My primary use will be to use for family shots, but also my other interests will be in 2 yrs time the sailing olympics here in weymouth dorset uk, but in the mean time my main use will be in my (theworkshop) my blog & soon to be, my new webpage. Martin
Hi Steve found your blog while blog hopping. I have my first ever dslr Nikon 5000 a year ago as a Christmas present from hubby and still trying to figure out how it works with certain situation.
Anyhow, why there are many kinds of camera models? What are the difference? I thought just be changing the lens it does make a change already but I guess it's not. ^_^ Sorry for a newbie question like mine. ^_^ Happy Tuesday!
Reb Flower
Just found your blog through another blogger. I am an amateur photographer with the desire to jump over to a pro. I will be purchasing my very first ever DSLR in a few weeks and I have picked the Nikon D5000. I have a blog as well and would love for you to check it out and critique my photos. THanks!
Dear Stephan
Worry not about the Jealous people and the Hater.Photography is what you enjoy and want to bless folks by sharing it.As a DJ I feel the same way about music.
Thank you for sharing your Love and Knowledge with us.
God Bless
Hi Stephen, I do enjoy your blog - photos and comments. I enjoyed reading abut your choice of cameras and why and how you use them. Like you, I don't spend money n extras and also don't have TV service and only 1 car and shop in thrift stores (see our blog for recent finds). recently I bought a couple of older Nikkor AF lenses and checked with Nikon that these WILL work on a Nikon D90. So now I plan to buy one, but because of its high cost am checking for a used one. Any chance you could let me know WHEN you plan to sell 1 of your and the asking price?
Please feel free to check out our blog and let me know. Thanks.
Thanks (in advance)
Found your blog on another blog. Interesting thoughts about cameras. I like your explanation how you can efford to have more than one good camera. And that's the point: Think different, have your own priorities.
We try to do that, but most people can't understand. Be flexible.
Just stepped up from a D70 to a D7000 and suddenly a new world opened before my eyes.
The new sensor is really great and the ability to push the ISO without any noise is worth every penny.
Andreas, Sweden
Nahhhh don't mind these kind of people if they want to chew you let them chew lol!! Even I who owned a Nikon D5000 for only two years wanted to have more lenses and camera's (like D7000) and referred myself as "photo enthusiast" and not yet a pro, how much more like you? So let them chew their own dust hahaha!
By the way I have a question, does megapixels really matter to a dslr? I think D7000 has 16mp and I am aching to get it, anyway I also have one car and it's not new when I purchase it lol!! Have a good day!
kim, usa
i tend to think of megapixels as artificial zoom. the more pixels you have the more you can crop and still have a decent size photo to print. i have 16mp cameras and i guess i would buy more for this purpose only. my understanding is that they are approaching the limits already and that to get more i would have to venture into the full frame cameras. this change could become very expensive with the quantity of bodies i would need.
nikonsniper steve
Your one-body per lens is much like Norm Abrams "one router per bit" set-up ;-)
Dear Steve
Last July My first digital camera was a sony. I accidently dropped it and had to replace it.
Inspired my your photos I vowed to get a Nikon and did. Thank you for your inspiration to me and many others I'm sure
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