Well, folks, as is the tradition, I will be shutting down for a few days. Your comments will still be displayed but there will be a few days without any new posts.
I thank you all for your kind wishes at this season.
From our home in Woodstock, Illinois to yours ... I hope you all have a blessed Christmas with your families. May God bless you all with His mercy and grace. Wise men still seek Him today.
Christmas celebration has begun all over the world. Two years ago, I found this incredible production of the Hallelujah Chorus. It was done in a shopping mall in Canada and just I had to post it for you to see. It's still very moving to me!
I am quite certain that this was not a spontaneous event. I believe it was a beautifully staged happening. The choir is incredible! Far too good for luck. It is however a very interesting production by those posing as just sitting around in a food court. I do believe that there are several that join in the singing of portions of the chorus that are not part of the choir.
What incredible glory and praise to hear in their voices! I would have joined in if I had been there ... but I probably would have had tears running down my face.
... KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS!
The mad dash for the last of Christmas gifts has begun. I really like avoiding this kind of stress. I spent my day away from all of that with family. I ended up a few minutes ago near this little pond and was blessed by His creative hands again! Thank you Lord for sunsets. Thank you for allowing me to get away and see so many of them.