Well, folks, as is the custom here on NikonSniper ... I am actually going to shut down for a few days. Your comments will be displayed here but there will be a few days without any new posts. I shall take this short rest break till Monday when I will return. So, I ain't quittin'! I hope to be able to post photos for the rest of my life (maybe even longer) ... but I think I will take some chill time with family for a few days.
This year, Thanksgiving is really a kickoff to a big event in the life of our family. This Christmas our daughter shall return from South Korea and will complete the assembly of our family in Woodstock for a very special celebration together again.
As always, I want to thank you all for your kind wishes. Your comments are always so kind. You have a very big part in what is said on NikonSniper. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving with your families. May God grant you many reasons to be thankful in this season. I can see the potatoes are done and I can almost smell the turkey.
Catch you in a few days.
NikonSniper Steve
PS: Some have already asked where this photo was taken. It is the back of our home in Woodstock, IL after one of the most beautiful snow falls I can remember. I have joked for years that our five children were raised in a barn. Close enough!