Well, folks, I am actually going to shut down for a few days. Your comments will be displayed but there will be a few days without new posts. They will be my first days without a post since mid February so I feel a bit like Forrest Gump near the end of the movie when he is in the running mode, back and forth across America and he finally turns around and speaks to the hundreds that are following him, saying ... "I'm pretty tired, ... I think I'll go home now."
Well, I am not quittin'. I hope to do this for the rest of my life ... but I think I will spend some time chillin' for a few days. I thank you all for your kind wishes at this season. I hope you all have a blessed Christmas with your families. May God bless you all with His mercy and grace. Wise men still seek Him today.
Catch you in a few days.
NikonSniper Steve