Yes folks! I'm still alive. I am having a quick lunch and will decide on where I am going when I get back in the car. You might ask, Why I chose the 371 Diner?
Well,... This was my "Restaurant Roulette" selection off my GPS. Restaurant Roulette is a game I play when I am traveling with my wife in unknown territory. The rules are simple! You can decide on a restaurant from a distance based on what type of food you wish to have. EG. Punch American, Italian, or Chinese etc. into your GPS for listing of possibilities. Here's the catch! If that restaurant is open ... you have to eat there, even if it is Harley biker gang headquarters and you are wearing your "I'd rather own a Honda" t-shirt (I don't have a shirt like that). You GOTTA eat there!
This game has led to some of the most memorable evenings we have ever had while on the road. One time in Utah, a pit bull sat at our feet eating our scraps. On another occasion with my son, we visited a restaurant that the cole slaw was trying to crawl off our plates and get into the trash all by itself. Yuck!
Either way, ... Today, it's the 371 Diner in Brainerd, MN. This place is pretty nice by roulette standards. Kind of a 50's joint with friendly folks so a big thumbs up to the 371. If you live out here, drop in and tell em, NikonSniper sent ya!
I will post Minnesota photos later today from somewhere. Hope you are having a great day in your part of America and the world. Well, their bringing my eggs and toast.
Gotta go! God bless.
NikonSniper Steve