So, It's a fact.
I am the worst blog award accepter in the world! So many of you send me these kind of thingys to place on NikonSniper. I usually just thank you for mentioning NikonSniper and for dropping by to see the photos.
Generally speaking, the awards are kinda similar ... however, it's just the rules to receive the awards that seem to vary greatly.
Some want you to tell your life story in a short form novel. Preferably in paperback form.
Some want to play word association games. When I say "PeeWee Herman" ... you say?
Some ask for your birthdate, social security number, recent photo and your bank tracking records.
Some ask for 3 things about you, 7 things about you, 9 lies you've told, etc.
Some ask you random questions like Potato(e) or Rice?
OK, … I gotta nuther award. This time it came from Child of God. So thank you Child of God for passing on the coveted Stylish Blogger Award that has eluded me for years. I would often lie awake in bed wondering why this one award kept dodging me. Is it my style? Is it the black background on the blog? Is it the Sniper part of the name? So, Child of God, congratulations on your Stylish Blogger Award and for being willing to pass this wonderful treasure along to me. I will certainly sleep easier tonight!
NikonSniper Stylish Blogger Rules
1. Tell your readers 10 things about yourself that indicate exactly how weird you really are.
2. Select one bloggie to give the award to so they can have their 15 minutes of fame.
So here are the 10 things you might know (or might have assumed) about me:
1. I ate "A LOT" of lead base paint chips when I was a child.
2. I spent many years of my youth handcuffed to a water fountain in a Texas grade school.
3. My favorite movies are Uncle Buck and What About Bob.
4. I would like to see every member of the House of Representatives and Senate defeated by a newcomer in EVERY election.
5. I have a crazy psycho large jazz collection. I decided to buy this instead of college education for my children. To me, it was basically a good decision because man those CD's sound good.
6. I would like to take all my bloggies on a field trip to Australia for a serious photographic field study.
7. I fell out of the front of a trailer being pulled by a tractor when I was 10. The trailer wheel went over my head while I was on the ground. Thanks for stoppin’ Gramps!
8. I spent time doing standup comedy on a dare in Canada in my mid-twenties. I didn't find myself funny enough when the big guy in the front kept shouting, "That's Not Funny, ... I Said, MAKE Me Laugh".
9. My father was a pastor in Canada during my most trying teen years. That was his bad luck not mine.
10. I am amazed every day of my life by God’s mercy, grace, love, and provision for me.
By the way, ... those lead base paints chips still taste good.
And now … ending my short-lived fame, I would like to bestow the coveted Stylish Blogger Award upon MontanaGirl. I have always enjoyed viewing her photography blog and the wildlife in that beautiful part of the country. Congratulations MontanaGirl.
All the best to you. I hope you all have a great weekend!
NikonSniper Steve
NikonSniper Steve