Need extra storage space? Make sure you enter this NikonSniper contest. You could be the lucky winner of a brand new "Western Digital - My Passport Essential 200GB External USB 2.0 Hard Drive" just for being a NikonSniper follower.
That's right! In the next few days we will cross the 2000 follower milestone (only 24 to go as of January 9) and in an effort to say thanks we will have a drawing for a 200 Gig Hard Drive.
Contest rules are simple!
1. You must be a follower of the NikonSniper blog.
2. Respond to THIS post in the comments with the request, "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
3. The winner will be announced within days of crossing the 2000 follower milestone.
I wish I could hand out these hard drives to all of you ... but I am just an "old dude" with a few extra bucks, not one of Americas big banks that rips people off hand over fist. (Oh, That was an intended political statement.) Anyway, I am really thankful for your kinds words and comments while I'm at home and on the road and I just want to say thanks with this contest. Thanks to all of you. I hope you enjoy your time here. God bless!
NikonSniper Steve
Thanks to you Stephen for sharing with all of us.
Greetings from Spain.
P.S. "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest." Ha, ha.
Good luck for the 2000 followers.
Congratulations of your quest of 2000 followers. I hope your dream comes true. What the heck, sign me up, even though I don't really know what a hard-drive is, I'm sure my computer whizzes that take care of me will explain it to me. haha...
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Look, I am number 1!
Thanks for all your beautiful photos. You are an inspiration to me.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I am already a follower of your great blog!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I'm a follower :)
Very cool idea! How do you have so many followers anyway?
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Cheers-a silent admirer of your pics.
Hi Stephen,
Wow that's awfully nice of you!!!!
I'm sure you'll get to 2000 soon.
I'd like to enter the draw.
Please enter me!!! :))
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
and of course, keep the pics coming.
Awesome! "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
I need someplace to store the bazillion pictures I took of the balloon fiesta! LOL!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Thank you!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I enjoy your photos everyday, thank you so much!!
Awesome idea Stephen! I am sure you will reach that mark shortly as the word gets out.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Wishing you a wonderful weekend
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
What an awesome giveaway. That is so generous of you!
""Please enter me in the Nikon Sniper 2000 contest."
Cool! Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 Contest!
Very cool, Stephen. Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
I enjoy your blog and your pictures. Photography is one of my passions also.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I'm impressed, btw, that's a lot of viewers!
Steve, please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. I'm sure it will be no time before you hit the big 2 triple 0. I've enjoyed your photos and the hot air ballons must have been a sight to see. Your bat in flight is amazing. Safe travels-looking forward to seeing what you've been up to.
WOW!!!! What an awesome giveaway and a GIGANTIC milestone!
I'm already a huge fan and a follower but....
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest." Actually you have me excited as I must be living in the past. I didn't know these existed. I must have one, even if I don't win. Thanks for sharing about it as my computer is crying out for some relief from all my photos. Not as many as yours I am sure but I am afraid my old computer will crash. Thanks for the info, and I would like to win, but if not I am still a winner for finding out about this product.
Well I love a contest! So would you "please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest". And thanks for sharing so many wonderful photos and taking me along on all your adventures. I have been so lucky to see such wondrous sights through your blog. So thank you!
you have a really nice blog and Ive learned a lot being here!!!
Please come visit me at littlemissheirlooms.blogspot.com and enter my current giveaway. I try to have a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday so I hope you decide to become a follower so you don't miss out!
Enter me. I've taken lots of photos on our roadtrip and my backup drive is getting full. Hey, you aren't disqualifying previous winners, are you?
Hi Stephen...hope you are doing well...quite a milestone!! Congrats!
Thank you for the opportunity to win... the prize is wonderful...
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Hugs and God Bless,
I'd follow even without the contest, but........
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I always enjoy your photos.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Have a nice day!:)
//"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."//
Yes, Sir. I'm your follower, yeah.
Am I the first to say DON'T enter me? This is a most generous offer but I worry that if I won it would cost a fortune to post it to the UK.... grins. Seriously, I already have one and it's THE most valuable piece of equipment. Congratulations on nearing your goal ... it's hardly surprising considering the quality and scope of your pictures. Well done, Stephen.
You have 2000? Congratulations. You deserve it, with your funny, beautiful, inspiring photos.
To not be different, "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!"
I have enjoyed you sharing your beautiful photos.
Good luck on your 2000 followers.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Have a great day.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
You've got a great blog here.
I just noticed you as a new follower on my blog (not sure how you found it). I've just been looking through some of your shots and they are VERY nice on the eye. I don't want the hard-drive, give it to someone who really needs it. Thanks
Stephen, thanks for joining my followers. I am now a proud member of your crowd of followers! I think I have a lonnnnnggggg way to go before I reach as many as you. :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
This is very generous of you! Thanks for the chance!
Love your photos!
Good luck for the 2000 followers!
I always admire your photos!
Please enter me in your NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Steven, I love your photos and wholeheartedly support your plan to live on in your body of work for your grands, great-grands, great, great-grands and so on into the future. From what I see of your work, they will be so happy to know that you were their relative.
Keep the beauty and truth coming our way, and "thanks" for sharing with us along the way.
Wow... I'm impressed!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
:o) I am a follower and always love to see what you've got posted!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I am a follower and I try to visit as often as possible...but get to see the feed daily even when I can't stop by to comment. I enjoy looking at your photos!
How nice to think that you've shared your beautiful photos with 2000 lucky photos. Thanks for sharing your adventues with us. I'm sure you'll have no trouble reaching that momentous number.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
On a different note, for all this time you've been sharing such awesome photos with us from your travels and otherwise, I thank you. You've been a great inspiration for getting me interested in photography.
Kudos and cheers!
Wow, excellent idea!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest"
Thank you!
What an excellent way to find out how many folks are peeking at your pictures! Enter me in, and please go photograph the Grand Canyon for me.
Thank you for all the great photos!!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 follower contest!
Thank you!!
Julie H
Wow! You are really close to 2000 followers amazing!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Wow... you have 2000 followers? That's amazing (not that your photos aren't totally worth it, but 2000... you are a legend!).
Your Green Pastures entry makes me ache...
Oh, and "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
I enjoy your everchanging imagery
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Oh Oh Bush Babe needs to Brush up on her reading....let's hope you reach 2000 before too long!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Ooooo.... ahhh.... wow! please enter me!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
mr popular :) 2000! wow
I just became #1581...you're on your way! Count me in..please enter me in the NikonSniper 200 contest!
Congrats Stephen!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
All are eligible ... worldwide. Including the great State of Alaska.
NikonSniper Steve
Well Steve, I have just become a follower as I noticed you are now following our blog. I also took a look around and enjoy your mantra and images. The more shutterbugs the better I always say. And so therefore, "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest." See how nicely I follow directions? ;0)
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
I'm a follower -each and every post, thank you very much to my lovely, trusty reader. I don't just enjoy your pictures, I love 'em! They are always superb. Don't comment much though as only so many times I can say pretty much the same things -fantastic, awesome, gorgeous, excellent, etc., without having a dose of severe writer's cramps set in, ya know. But that does explain to a tee how I do enjoy, and very much appreciate your postings.
I realy like your photo blog, keep it up.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Thanks so much
Wow, now that got a lot of attention! lol Sure I'm game and will play along... how far will you ship to? Is Canada to far? lol
Have a great day, photos are awesome as usual and thank you for sharing them with us all.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest." (Copy and paste, does this disqualify me?) hehehe
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
I am a devoted follower and I love your work.
Having lost almost a year's worth of photos in a matter of seconds I for sure will ask that you please ... "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Win or not I'm with you Steve, so Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!
Enjoy the road!
You're so nice :)
Please enter me in the Nikon Sniper 2000 contest."
Hope I'm not too late.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Your photographs amaze me every day. Thank you for sharing them.
Checking out your photos each day is a lovely way to start my day.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest
Love your work.... :)
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. :) THANKS!
Well you certainly got a great response and some new followers like me ;-) I can't believe all the excellent images you have posted to share. thank you I really like the barn in the fog . . . simply gorgeous.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Love your photography.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
(And thanks for following us at serendipity365.)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. :)
I am a follower and "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
2000 is quite a target - hope you reach it.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
By the way, nice photo of that hot-air balloon
Luke Smith
So happy that I found your super blog!
Please, enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I look forward to enjoying your lovely photos!
Thank you for been my follower also and could you please enter me in this contest !
ps you have some great photos.
What an eye for beauty are you blessed with! Your talent and experience show in each and every photograph.
I do not even have to guess why you have almost 2000 followers. . for the same I reason I follow. You are the Best, the most intriguing, non-boring, essential photographer I know. Please don't stop. . . the pictures speak to me. Blessings, Janet
Please enter me in the 2000 nikon sniper contest, and thanks for following me! Love your photos! Just beautiful!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest"
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
I'm sure you'd hit that 2000 mark soon. I love your photos, they're just simply amazing. I hope you won't mind if I place your site on my blog - just a small help from me to help you reach that 2000 followers goal.
And yeah, before I forget...
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest"
I just wonder if you can ship it all the way to the Philippines, LOL. Don't worry, I can provide you a US address in case I win the raffle. :-) (I'm hopeful, hehehe)
Thanks, and keep on posting your great pics!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. :)
Eww, pick me! Pick me! I think I just brought the number to 1672 or something like that. Now I'm thinking of having a contest to see if I can get to 10 followers, LOL. As your neighbor to the North in Utah, I really relate to your beautiful photos and hope to keep seeing them coming.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
(and I really love your photos)!
This 200 gig sounds great, holds super amount of "stuff". Great prize.
I was awed by gigabytes, but now find that there are tetrabytes. When our 156 gb's external "fried" with all our data recently, we were distraught, but after 4 mos. w/o those files, were able to hack them all off instead of having to pay $800 to $3600 to have it done professionally with no guarantee it would work. To replace the fried animal, we now have the latest which is in tetrabytes. Unbelievable. And it's only double the size of the gb station.
New to your blog, sorry I've missed so much, but am catching up each day. It'll keep me busy for some time. Love your humor and photos. Outstanding in comp. and subject.
Noted in your interests, you like dancing. Would it be ballroom?
Peace and grace of Jesus Christ be with you. Ruth
Oh, and, Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Wow Stephen, thanks for this opportunity!! Your contribution to the arts--and to other artists, is an inspiration! Thank you!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. And thank you so much for following me. Your photos are amazing!
Blessings, GG
I love your photos! They are amazing!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Love your blog and your great photos. Thank you!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in your contest!!! 2000 followers!!! WOW!!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I just bought a Cannon T50 to start learning photography . Haven't used it yet , as my time is tight , but really want to get into this . Your pictures are great !
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Greetings from Australia.
I was looking at your blog and the only reason I noticed this contest was because I loved the colours in your post titled "Fisherman's Wharf Flowers"
So, yes I am now a follower. Best of luck at attaining the magical 2000.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Melbourne Daily Photo
I want to join in on the fun! "Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest"! Thanks so much. ~Sarah~
What crisp pictures!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Have a great day!!!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Thanks Steve
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!
Yea, I agree with you re: the banks . . . I'm switching . . .
Holy Cow! The first thing I saw when your blog popped up was the amount of followers you had and I about fell out of my chair!
I can certainly see why tho~ very inspiring. I hope to get a *real* camera some day soon and be able to do more than what my cheap HP allows.
Congrats on your soon to be 2000!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!
oops...my last comment was referring to the items listed on your shopping receipt. ccc
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Great blog Steve...Well done.
You offer seized moments, places, reflections, and all the delights of a virtual tour bus, plane, walk-a-bout. Comments express praise, appreciation and admiration. Certainly 2000 will soon be and so...
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
A most appreciative
Extra space to hold all the pictures I take of my son? Awesome!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I just found you by luck today - when I clicked on "grphics" in my own profile intrests. What a blessed find. I love photography too. I'm also a Christian grandma of 4 :) Love your views of daily living! Thanks for sharing your talent and your passion for life.
Cool, thanks!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest
Hi there i just came across your site, I love photography and one of the nice things about digital is the freedom to shoot to your hearts content ( and delete a few ) Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. I look forward to following your work . Sincerely , Laura
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest." Helen
I always enjoy your posts, you have taught me always be on the lookout for that 'great' shot. Thank you.
Sunny :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I signed up to follow you before and just realized that it hadn't 'taken.' So here I an again! Love your work!
Okay, I'm in.
I mean, I'm in, Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I love your pictures! I like taking
pics but I am not great at it, I
did get some good ones in Oregon &
posted them on my blog awhile back.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper
2000 contest"
Hi, Love - absolutely LOVE - your pictures.
Yes, Please enter me in your 2000 contest!
Can't wait to see what you show is next!
Hi Stephen,
Just discovered your 'blog on the back of you discovering mine. Although I'm more of a writer, I'm quite a fan of photo 'blogs and what immediately attracted me to yours is your assertion that anyone can be a great photographer, regardless of their equipment. I couldn't agree more!
No need to enter me in the prize draw. It should go to one of your regulars rather than a newbie like me, but I'm happy to help you towards your milestone.
1861 (but you can call me Bill)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Thanks so much....I am really needing the extra space!
Happy New Year
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
You know us women always need more room! In the closet, the house and as a scrapbooker I definitely need more room in the hard drive! Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest and thank you for hosting such a generous give away!!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Truly enjoying your site! I plan to return often. Thanks.
Oh I'll bet this is gonna be so much fun for you to do. And a big heart you must have to give some amazing gift like this away even if you think you're an 'old dude' wich for sure I'll bet your not old by miles.
Hope you'll make it soon to the 2000th follower. I'll bet you'll fly al the way there.
So yea I do need one of those soon.
I'm gladd to enter: ""Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. :)
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Although you didn't have to bribe me to be a follower - your work is reward enough.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
I of course love the pictures - but more I enjoy the humility and hobby feel you have to shooting. People always tell me that a lot of my photos are amazing, but I, like you, just shoot a lot of pictures and get lucky. You seem to get lucky more often than me - yet you are very humble about it.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 Contest.
I do love my Nikon!!!! I know exactly how you feel about taking photos...and I do sniper a lot of strangers!!! I can't believe that you were my follower first...I am at 98....Good luck on 2000!!!!!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
great giveaway!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!
Thank you for all your beautiful photos. Please enter me in the NikonSniper2000 contest.
What a generous way to thank your viewers!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper2000 contest.
Please enter me in your NikonSniper2000 contest.
What a nice man!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
As someone with 3 external hard drives, I go by the philosophy that you can NEVER have too many! Please count me in on your great giveaway. I'm signing up to be a follower. Thanks!
Please could you enter me Stephen.
Thank you so much
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest
Greetings from Japan!!Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest!
Wishing you and your family a blissful 2010!!Good luck and more power!!^_^
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Great giveaway!! And I love your photos! I just found you through a friend's blog.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Awesome giveaway Stephen, here's to your 2000th follower.
Love your photos, Kathy.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest. I am so impressed that you have so many followers but it is easy to see why... your pictures are beautiful!
I've just recently jumped back into my love of photography though I am not so good... yet! :) Hopefully I can learn from you.
Take care and God Bless you,
Hi, Congrats for this special figure, wishing you a lot more, you deserve it for your efforts to transmit your photography knowledge! Happy New Year and Cheers from almost warm Mexico.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
oh I could so use one of these....if feel a dead computer coming on and I have no back up....
thanks for the chance!
I hope to qualify
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
Count me in!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest.
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
(and thank you for the zebra)
I am not sucking up...Your work is beautiful! and could you pretty...."Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
Nice photos!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 4000 contest! Thank you!
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