Well, folks, as you know it's that time of year again. I usually take an extended break from the blog at Christmas so I won't be making posts now until December 31st. So that's it for 2011. Your comments will be displayed here as usual but there will be a few days without any new postings. I need to just soak in the time with family.
I am looking forward to the best Christmas of my life at a time when I am still seeking employment. Christmas isn't about the exchange of gifts for me. It is about the birth of the Savior and spending time with my family. Our whole family will be with us this Christmas and I am really just so happy about this coming event.
I am looking forward to the best Christmas of my life at a time when I am still seeking employment. Christmas isn't about the exchange of gifts for me. It is about the birth of the Savior and spending time with my family. Our whole family will be with us this Christmas and I am really just so happy about this coming event.
As I have said in previous years ... there's no chance I'm quittin' on the blog. I hope I can shoot and post photos for the rest of my life ... but a rest is good for the mind too. In fact, I have spent a great deal of time praying that God might make this a way for me to pay my bills.
I want to thank you all for your kind wishes at this season. I hope you have a blessed Christmas with your families. I pray you have travel safety. May God bless you with His mercy and grace. Wise men still seek Him today.
Catch you in a few days.
NikonSniper Steve
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Merry Christmas! Keeping you on my prayer list.
Wishing you and your family a blessed peaceful Christmas too, Steve. I have just listened to tonight's news re N Korea. My thoughts and prayers go out especially to all the young service people who are out there right now.When you said your whole family, Tara must be included so have a special precious time together. Love Molly xx
"still seeking employment"
Best wishes for that and have a good christmas with your family
Thanks and Merry Christmas to you from Italy.
I hope you and your family have a Blessed Christmas also. May God send a special job that's just right for you. I will include my son who is hunting a job now also. May the new Year be the most blessed it has been in a long time. Helen
Merry Christmas!
I hope you have an amazing time with your family.
God Bless,
Merry Christmas! to YOU and YOURS!
Merry Christmas and family and Christ are the best part. :)
May you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year full of Good thing to come!
Felices Fiestas!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
Wishing you every joy of this blessed season!
Hi Stephen .. all the best for the job hunting or work of any description ... but I also hope you have that lovely Christmas with your family - they are the most important people .. I'm glad you're a hubby to one, with being a grandpoppy to six .. they'll all keep you happy and cuddly enjoy their warmth and all the best for next year .. cheers Hilary
Merry Christmas to you and your readers, I'm just stopping by new blogs that i think are interesting. And then ill put some of those on my favorites list to visit again. Happy holidays folks and wishing everyone a healthy new years as well. Richard from a Amish community in Pennsylvania.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your family and once again...enjoyed the beautiful photo of your home. That is quite the place! My wish for you for the new year is to find what you need and want in life, be it a job or a career or just...! I know you'll know when it arrives. We can have anything in the universe if we just ask.
I hope that you and your family have a truly wonderful Christmas.....
From Italy, happy Christmas you too.
Merry christmas and happy new year :D
В эти святые дни Рождества Христова, хочу поздравить вас с праздником. В этот день Христос пришел, чтобы спасти наш Мир от Тьмы.
Желаю вам, чтобы светлый праздник вам подарил тепло, и уют в ваш дом, здоровья вам и вашим близким.
С Рождеством Христовым и с Новым годом.
Воеводин Дмитрий.
Thank you for the Christmas wishes. Sometimes we all need to take a break, and when we return, we are refreshed and ready to go. I will enjoy seeing your beautiful pictures soon. Merry Christmas to you, and I hope you have many special moments with your family. Really like this picture of your red home.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
I wish you a Merry Christmas
Wishing you and yours a very special, meaningful and memorable Christmas as you celebrate the birth of Christ. May 2012 bring many opportunities for earning an income with your God-given talents. I look forward to visiting your blog again in the new year.
I wish you a Christmas filled with much peace and happiness and a Happy New Year!
Buon Natale e che il 2012 ti possa portare tutto quello che desideri, Un abbraccio virtuale da Galadriel e da Legolas del IlPeccatoVeniale. Buon proseguimento.
Happy Christmas ♥
Ti auguro in questo giorno di felicità, speranza e miracoli di ricevere tutto ciò che desideri. Buon Natale a te e tutta la tua famiglia. Auguri.
wishing you a Merry Christmas tO YOU AND UR FAMILY
I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Stephen, Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year! Thank you for sharing your photos and thoughts, I have enjoyed following your blog.
Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!
Hi Steve,
Stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas! We have hope because Jesus was born.
Blessings, love, and peace to you and all your family {pets included} this Christmas.
♥... Kerrie
Stephen, I wish you, your family and all visitors to your blog a Merry Christmas. Take this opportunity to announce that January 02 Urbanascidades debut in 2012, the same ... but different.
Paulo Bettanin.
A Merry Christmas to you!
Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful of your photos.
Merry Christmas! I enjoy all your photos.
Hi Steve,
Just found your blog while visiting Red Rose Ally. I poked around your space and really like your blog and photography. As a newbie blogger and an amateur photographer I love looking at what other people are doing for inspiration. I like your writing too.
I'll be back for a visit next year to check out more of your photography.
Merry Christmas and I hope and pray the job of your dreams will be yours in the New year ~ Eddie
hola desde españa
yo me he comprado una cámara nikon y estoy en pruebas todavía. me gusta la fotografía y me gustaría hacer reportajes de moda que pasaran a la posteridad, te seguiré y espero que ofrezcas ideas para los que nos ilusiona la fotografía.
Hello and belated merry celebrations of the birth miracle of Jesus!!! I've been seeing so much antagonism toward Christmas from atheists and from within the church (extreme sects) lately that it is refreshing to read your sweet comments about the birth of our Lord and savior. Hope you find a job that suits you to a "T" :) Happy 2012
praying that you and you're family have a blessed holiday season and a great start to the new year!! Love in Jesus, Elizabeth :)
Have a wonderful time!! and a very happy new year!
Dear Steve
Im glad will will get to spend time with your Daughter.
I have good new too.I finally got a digital Camera.
Its a sony ctber shotthe instruction cd rom isnt loading but I figured out how to load pictures.Ah trial and error and finally success.
please check out my blog when time permits.
Peace and Love
Happy New Year!!
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