Saturday, October 26, 2013

... Through The Woods, To Grandmother's House We Go!


Judy said...

What a lovely photo. Thanks for sharing a bit of fall.

Our photos said...

Beautiful photo!
Greetings, RW & SK

Arnoya Ari said...

Roadway painter was drunk;)

Scott Law said...

Love those beautiful fall colors and the crooked road. Wow, only two more followers and you hit the incredible 5 K mark. Fun to visit again and see that you are still up to your old tricks. OBTW, I've started posting on a limited basis again.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture of road and trees....

Marco C. said...

And that seems a great colored road!

Martin said...

HI Steven I don't seem to be receiving any new work from you since this post which was some time ago now I look forwards to seeing your work coming through regularly, hope you are well and to shortly seeing your work again. Martin

Erika said...

I like colors of autumn. Best regards from Italy

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Hi Steve, it's not like you to not post anything or let us know what's going on. Hope all is well. Happy New year!


Vera said...

Lovely curly road, and lovely composition.

child of God said...

Hi Steve,
Haven't seen you around for awhile. I'm just wondering how you're doing.


Vivian aka Deborah said...

Dear Steve.....what happened to you? I hope you are ok. Did you just get burned out from posting?

~ Viv

Landscapes said...

You have beautiful pictures

Louisette said...

Wonderfull forest and color of this season; greeting from Belgium

Anonymous said...

...perfect. Good morning and happy Sunday.

Jason Yu said...

Very nice fall photo, and I like the road!

Unknown said...

Good an very informative post. I will come back to your blog regullary. One thing: I do not exactly know what do you mean in

the second paragraph. Could you please exmplain your opinion?

Cardsharing Server

Artisoo said...

Great photo. I think it would be more beautiful if paint it in a painting.

Anonymous said...


thewiildmagnola said...

whats not to love!

CHummelKornell said...


We miss you!

Anonymous said...

To everyone who's worried about my grandfather,
He's alright. He has been travelling a lot because of his work. I do not know if he will post more or not. Best Regards,

Juan Antonio Torron Castro said...

Buenas Fiestas y Muy Feliz Año 2015

Saludos afectuosos.-

Nicky Abram said...

Hi Steve, how are you doing? God bless you in Jesus name. :)

Liplatus said...

Road flows from beautifully.
Nice picture!
Greeting Liplatus

Susan said...

I also keep checking back to see if there are new posts. God bless you Stephen wherever you are.

Hazies said...

like you blog!

Unknown said...

thank you

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Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Hi Steve, I hope all is well for you. Thinking of you from the land Down Under.

will-Art said...

Beautiful photograph!