Wednesday, September 12, 2012



Kcalpesh said...

You're catching really great colors of life! This is awsome work. Surely very inspiring... :-) Congrats!

Manola C. said...

I really love this one!

Anonymous said...

Belleza"es mucjas veces que decimos no hay amor.¿COMO QUE NO?.Mira esta foto y lo verás.Con cariño Vicky

Isabelle Kessedjian said...

J'aime beaucoup.Bises de Paris

Tammy Bowers said...


IJ said...

This is great.
My husband took a photo of this exact same butterfly. Gosh, it so looks like you both were side by side taking the shots - lol! I shall post it on my page for you to see. God bless.


Tracy Mulliner said...

This is beautiful! I haven't seen a Monarch in years! They are amazing!

chasity said...

love the very clever!
gorgeous shot.

Tom said...

Wow....really nice photos....I love all of your photos...;-)

Tim said...

This is a terrific shot! Love it!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Everything about this says "beauty" - "Majesty" - it's gorgeous. The lighting and the colors brilliant!

child of God said...

Beautiful! :)

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

I love this.

Ellen Lundberg said...

beautiful butterfly :)

OceanoAzul.Sonhos said...

What colours, beautiful image!
