Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's Just Around The Bend Ten Million Years


Tara said...

Have to say dad this is an awesome pic!! Wish I could sit up there im sure the view would be amazing plus im sure you would be freaking out the whole time about me being to close to the edge ha ha Have fun and see you soon
<3 Tay

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

There are some fabulous pics here Stephen. Especially love the landscapes.

Sylvia said...

I can feel the silence of the rocks. I like that road... Makes me think of what can be around the corner. It's a wonderful photo!

Braff Zackton said...

Very nice, this area looks cool. I'm thinking right around that corner there is a big Dennys. Get a Grand Slam Breakfast.

ImageNations said...

Nature...always nature poses for us but in this life we have borrowed we hardly pause in our hurried walk and admire it...thanks for this

Unknown said...

Ah, my home.

Eve said...

I think I see a dinosaur!!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Wow --- you have a gift for capturing the beauty of nature with your camera. Thanks so much for giving us glimpses of our world through your eyes.

I read your profile and enjoyed how you said that as you get older every day you are 'trying to photograph as many of those days as possible!' Your thought reminds me of that fellow who wrote the book 1,000 Marbles. Ever read it?

Happy Day!

imac said...

Great shot, but wouldnt it be fun to find oneself back in time?

imac said...

Haha, pass word = gonesick.

Bridget said...

thanks for visiting my blog.. I look forward to seeing such awesome pictures from your blog. I am an aspiring photographer.. I just need a lot more practice:). I too love to photograph the wonders of God's beautiful creation.

Anonymous said...

You have an excellent understanding of compostion and how to use it. With great composition comes great photographs, no matter the subject.

dellgirl said...

Thanks for following me on my blog, I'm following back.

These photos are absolutely beautiful, you got some great shots.

cristinasiqueira said...

Beautiful place,espetacular photo.


NikonSniper said...

i am not much of a reader other than work/internet related stuff. maybe one day i will read it ... if it has lots of pictures. yeah i am really big on reading picture books as long as the photo comments are limited to eight words each.
nikonsniper steve

NikonSniper said...

of course i would be flipping out cause you usually walked of cliffs for fun and then wanted me to take you (all beat up lookin') to the grocery store.
love, dad

NikonSniper said...

hey braff,
you were right. the dennys was there with their unlimited coffee pot. interesting enough there was a strip mall with a jiffy lub, dunkin' donuts, ace tire center and a pet store. looked at the flying monkeys for about an hour while eatin' donuts and getting a tire rotation and oil change. hey don't tell my mom about the donuts.
nikonsniper steve

jyothisethu said...

amazing photographs...
you find something different from the common things...

Anna said...

Very neat photo! Love the photos on your blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Yuri Richardson said...

Really good photo. When I enlarged it felt like you can walk right into it. Really good photograph. Thanks for sharing.

Montanagirl said...

I love this photo! What's around that bend in the road??

Lea said...

I love nature photos! Your landscapes are captivating and all your shots are beautiful and creative :)