Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pastel Clouds


Katherine said...

Marshmallow Clouds... I love clouds!

Cheryl said...

Oh so soft!

Judy said...

So calming...

Karen Kyle Ericson said...

I love clouds. This is one of my favorite things to shoot as well. One day it was all yucky out and I prayed for God to show me where the good shots are, looked up and found sunbeams! He's an awesome artist.

Ansel Adams said, "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter."

Anonymous said...

Wow. When looking at this picture, just above the Cracked Dirt picture, it just makes me appreciate the creator's artistic side all the more.

I love the subtle coloring, and being able to capture it is some talent.

This site, which I've been visiting for a while now, has been an inspiration for me to return to photography. I've picked up two DSLR's, the D3100 and the D5100. I've had Nikon's all along, though of the film variety, and the cost of film and developing just got too much to keep up with the mad shooting. The digital cameras are much better for cost, as you can shoot like mad and not feel guilty about throwing away dollars to get the perfect picture.