Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hey Forrest ... I Got-s Tagged Again!

Edit from original post linked to Afiori.

I was tagged again. This time by Maria-Thérèse Andersson of Afiori. I am supposed to write seven things about myself and ask seven other creative bloggers to do the same. Generally, I am a conscientious objector to being tagged. I didn’t like getting tagged as a kid and well, not much has changed. I enjoy being arbitrary for absolutely no reason. I am trying to mellow … you know, at least photograph the roses if you won’t stop long enough to smell them. So, I will tell you seven things about me that only my family really knows.

1. On my first day of school I was sent home with a note pinned to my shirt requesting an immediate parent-teacher conference. So what, if she can’t take a joke! I wonder if she's still alive. That was 47 years ago. If she is ... guarantee ya ... she'd remember me. Folks, when you're cruisin' through life, ... don't forget to make an impression!

2. Around the time of my sixth birthday I was caught breaking patio windows in a building development. That’s what happens when there was absolutely nothing better to do and you’re in the hot Texas sun way too long. I don’t remember much singing or cake at my birthday. Actually, I don’t remember being conscious at all. I think it disturbed my father a bit as I recall.
3. In the second grade, my parents decided to change things up and send me to a private school where I could get whuped on a more regular or religious basis. And whuped I got! It was on the schedule. The schedule went something like this: It was Math – Reading – Whuped – Art – Whuped – Whuped Again - Science - Full Array of Whuppings During Recess - Spelling. She was a nice teacher though. My misbehavior wasn’t anything personal. I just needed a good whuping to get through a day. God bless Gladus Phillips!
4. In the third grade, we had old desks that still had ink wells in them. I filled mine up with drool just to gross out the girls. Sweet! I later slurped some back into my mouth only to discover that my teeth became blue from the old dried ink residue. Cool! Tasty too.
5. In the fifth grade, I was captured (called over to a squad car) by the local police in the town I was living in because I was stacking rocks on the train tracks at the main train station in broad daylight. Uh, ... smooth move! The officer was sitting right across from me in his car at the train station watching the whole thing with disbelief. Schmarts huh? I thought it would be cool to see the train crush them. It was a small town at the time. Police had nothing better to do than bring down an 11 year old. They used their night sticks on me for an hour or two. Can, c-can, c--, can we all get along?
6. I nearly got killed by a man for twisting a small piece of sandpaper on his daughters face when I was in the seventh grade. I guess I sorta liked her and was stupid about it. I really didn’t think it would hurt. Well, I ran from her Dad for a few years. I can't remember exactly what he said he was going to do to me, but I certainly believed him. Maybe he was a salesman. Well, anyway, that sorta cured me of interest in his daughter.
7. My mother is justifiably a saint for dealing with all of this. After I left home she found an easy adaptable career nursing to the mentally deranged! Oh, she has some big fancy more politically correct term for it but I can never remember things that are politically correct. I guess I just don't curtsey as much as I should. Anyway, you’re welcome Mom. Some people have to pay for that kind of on-the-job education. I was committed to giving you this experience for free while you were a-raisin' me.
My Mom is still alive and well. I know she can laugh a bit more today than when this kinda stuff was happening on a daily basis. My parents taught me that I was a sinner and I needed a Savior. And when I say I needed a Savior, ... I don't mean just from my Dad after doing something stupid! Being a sinner in need of a Savior was an easy truth for me to grasp and fully accept. Today, through Christ alone I have confidence in my eternal destiny. Nothing I can do could possibly earn it. Jesus did it all.
What a way to live ... assured! I have screwed up so many things in my life. Many things are far too embarrassing to reveal in a blog format. But, ... it is great to know that the Savior paid for all of those things on the cross that I could never make right. I hope you can find peace with God and lay your trust solely in His Son.

Now, I am tagging you all. If you are a regular NikonSniper reader, tell me seven things about yourself and let me know when they are on your blog so I can read em.

NikonSniper Steve


Maria-Thérèse ~ www.afiori.com said...

Ha! I knew this would be interesting but had no idea HOW interesting. You should write a book! Especially since your writing matches the quailty of your photos.

Mine are here:

Suse said...

all done and mine are here


I agree, it's fascinating!

Anonymous said...

WOW, you were a little stinker, weren't ya? But you turned into a wonderful person with huge talent, so all's well that ends well, no?

Thanks for sharing :-)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's so much fun to read about you and for some reason....it doesn't come as a surprise. Of course, I raised 4 sons! lol

audrey said...

Stephen, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your list. You were definitely a busy young man!! And look what you've become! You write as well as you use your cameras and you are outspoken in your religious beliefs. You are truly a blessed beautiful man.
Thanks for sharing these fun things about yourself.
♥ audrey

Kris said...

Well that was certainly entertaining!!! I am so glad you are using your mischeviousness now in photography. And Praise God you found Him too.

Astarta said...

Hello from Russia!

Thanks for the game :)
This is my part of it:

P.S: English is not my native language, so sorry for the grammаr.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

These were too funny...I was chuckling all the way through your posting. You, sir, I'm wondering if you're related to Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes fame).... maybe you are Calvin??? Will the real Calvin please stand up.

And what a way to end the list. Loved how you put it... 'great to know that the Savior paid for all of those things that I could never make right'.... I'm so glad for that assurance too!

BTW, I'll have to think about joining in the tag.... not sure I can measure up to the standard in entertainment value you set.

Happy Weekend! Brenda

Patrinas Pencil said...

Amen Steve!!

You were a wirerly kid wern't you! :0 Doesn't surprise me :) And our Lord is so amazing at this forgiveness and grace thing, isn't He?? Soooo glad you shared ALL of that.

I'll consider your tagging. Not accepting these sort of things at my place - but for you, I'll pray about it. :) thanks for asking. (You just might have 2,000 tags to read!!! Hope U have the time)

Keep growing closer to Jesus

Patrina >")>><
the watchman on the wall

Gram said...

Yes, you were a little stinker, and like many an Irish yarn...Still given to hyperbole! But I echo the thought of the person who identifies the importance of where the journey takes us! You are precious, and such an encouragement. You are strong in His power in the face of adversity!
And a blessing to those who are following the adventures of our desk guy turned road warrior!
Love always Mom

Anonymous said...

OMG, was that really your mom??

Yes, you were a handful, but you had heart all the way, it seems.

It was fun to do the meme, and it is fun to read others'. God bless you, Steve, and all your readers.

Sylvia said...

That is really an interesting life story. Teenage years are so troubled. I had a different idea of Education in the US. Thank you.

NikonSniper said...

yes that is my mom. it's the same dear soul who washed my mouth out with soap.
but i got her back 10 years later when she was grocery shopping. i took her purse out of the basket she was pushing around the aisle. i went over a few rows and put some cans of tuna fish in her purse. then i put the bag back in the basket. i waited at the end of the row for when my mother got near the tuna fish. then i shouted, "hey lady, put the tuna fish back ... i saw ya put it in your purse." a stock boy began to stare at my mom as she picked up her purse to show there was no tuna fish. as soon as my mom picked up her purse ... got ya, she knew there was tuna fish. i said i had never seen her before when she insisted that i was her retarded child with a twisted sense of humor. as i recall my father (the pastor of a large local church) wasn't that impressed with my sense of humor.
i ducked. and eventually he got over it.
nikonsniper steve

Julie said...

Oh my, you were a little hellin', lol. I did enjoy reading about your colorful childhood. My list wouldn't be as exciting but you have got me thinking about my childhood.

Malu Silverman said...

Gosh, you were a handful, lol. Your mom learned a lot from you, though.

No. 4 is so gross, arghhh!

Glad you found photography or maybe photography found you :))

Anonymous said...

Nearly twenty past four in the night over here, this for sure kept me awake, impressive, just as a photography of yours.

please have you all a nice Sunday.

Carol said...


Elaine said...

Your mother is definitely a saint! Hmmm, this is just a list of things you did when you were a child.....

Lokelani Forrest said...

First time visiting your blog after you became on of my followers. Love it and your brand of humor. Wonderful photography. Your love for the Almighty is so very evident, even if you were a little hellion.

Judy said...

This is when I drop to my knees and thank God I've never had children. It would be horrible to be serving a prison sentence for murdering one of them. That being said, your parents will never be able to claim they had a boring life. :-)