Saturday, September 17, 2011

Moody Sunset


Anonymous said...

Hi there Stephen, I just wanted to come on over here and thank you for stopping by my blog. I haven't had a proper chance to look through all the pictures on your blog yet, But I will be doing. You have many, many great shots and like you I love Colour.
This shot immediately caught my eye. I LOVE the colour in this shot.. Just out of interest, What lenses do you use, I know then are Nikon but which ones.

I hope that you have a great wekend, and once again, thank you for your comments on my blog, really appreciate it.

Tony d;o)

raf said...

Impressive gallery of great photography, Steve! Like your emphasis on the same day to day details seen the world over, but differently by each of us.

lara said...

Hi, thanks for your visit. Fantastic Blog.
Colored Kisses

Katherine said...

Wow what a fiery red sunset...very beautiful!

Xini Björnmamman Does Thailand said...

Just wanted to say that you have very nice photos on your blog :).

Have a nice day!
Xini Björnmamman

Graham Hutson said...

Amazing sunset and some great shots on here. Looks like the continuous fire and "stopping to smell the roses" philosophy is paying off!
Keep up the good work.

Laurie Burtner said...

Love this shot! I love beautiful sunsets, sunrises, and you've captured a beauty!

Cens World said...

I love this shot. Very magnetic indeed.

Anita Stoll said...

Beautiful,exciting sunset. It's on fire.

Cheryl said...

Beautiful, peaceful and oh so quiet appearing.

Larry said...

I just discovered your site and am enjoying your photos. I enjoy shooting my gardens daily through the garden season, as well as the reproduction Tiffany shades I make and sell... I have been doing so for about three years... I purchased a good SLR almost two years ago and am really having fun now!

Sadia said...

Moody indeed!You captured the temperament at the right time Stephen!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot, thanks for following my photography blog.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Each sunset if so very different and unique and changes each second.....and a reminder to us of how great our God is!
This one looks dark and mysterious.
Nice catch!

Nina Morelli said...

i said once that ur sunset pic are very special....
this one is great...WOW!