Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Painting With Photography


Drawn to The Sea said...

Hi Stephen :-) So glad you dropped by my blog because coming to see yours is indeed a treat. Your photos are amazing & (trite as it sounds) a real treat for the eyes.

I'm enjoying your older posts & look forward to those yet to come!

Drawn to The Sea said...

Also wanted to say, there's so much inspiration in the skills you share here. You make me want to be a better photographer.

RogerB said...

The color of the water is so unique. It makes the water appear col. Nice composition.

Unknown said...

Love the way the colors progress from the bright greens to the blue greens to the blues of the sky! Once again, you have chosen the perfect place where the river curves to take our eyes back, deeper into the photo. Very beautiful.

Brian Miller said...

i'm with Roger on the color of the water...amazing.

Lydia said...

The Bow River in Canada has the same color as the river in your photo. I can't look at it long enough!

Blind Fly Theater said...

Very impressive, stunning and beautiful... I know how challenging it is capturing vast landscapes, but you did it magnificently here! I visited Yosemite and took hundreds of shots, but (I'm sorry to say) none as inspiring as this. Bravo...

Joanna Jenkins said...

You have a great eye! This is beautiful.

kuluth said...

all pics are Very impressive and lovely...

Danemarch said...

Your pictures of this water stream describes calmness which brings happiness, I keep staring it on my desktop as a background :) It does look like real painting to me.Awesome

Anonymous said...

This could be a windows background image haha

Ur such a good photografer, keep it up !;)

Cristina Munteanu said...

wonderful place! refreshing! :)