Friday, March 9, 2012

Shastas Southside


ShEiLa said...



Becky K. said...

You have fantastic "aim" you've never heard that before! lol

Thank you for stopping by Hospitality Lane. Judge my photos gently, I am a "newbie".

Your photos are awesome and I love the post about your daughter. Now I am going to check out her blog.

Becky K.
Hospitality Lane

Anonymous said...

Amazing that it still has snow this time of year. Great shot.

EfigĂȘnia Coutinho ( Mallemont ) said...

Steve, hello, I want to thank your visit to my space.
You rather be special, because who likes Photography, appreciate life, nature, my regards,
with admiration,
EfigĂȘnia Coutinho

Adnohr said...

What a great picture! Your talent is awesome. I hope you are documenting all these photos.

Amanda Bonilla said...

Your photos are absolutely gorgeous! I love checking in to see every new post! You have a great eye.

@eloh said...

One of the most beautiful places in the country, and a beautiful photo.

Ronda Laveen said...

Hey! You are in my backyard now. I live about 3 miles from Shasta Lake and 45 minutes for Mt. Shasta and right in the middle of the 110+ degrees.

scribbling sassy said...


Nivedita said...

way to go Nikon!!! Love it :))


Almost Precious said...

Beautiful! When my children were small we would go camping up in that area...skiing, water skiing that is, on Lake Shasta.
30-40 years ago Mt. Shasta had a lot more snow on its crown (yes even in the summer). Guess there was a spell of several years with well below average snow fall and Shasta has never really recovered. Sad, but she's still beautiful.

Prim's by Kim said...

Stunning work!!

Jai Joshi said...


You're making me fantasize about taking off somewhere and forgetting the world.


Silvia said...

That's how I imagine the dream world. It's like the landscape in my book. Gosh, I need to be there!
You are... Magic.

Lucy said...

Just really beautiful. This is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I am new to your site, this is a brilliant shot as many of your others are. You have a good eye for composing what you see through the lense. I look forward to seeing more of your shares.

Have a wonderful rest of your evening and weekend!

Jean Tuthill said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your photos are just beautiful and your blog looks so professional. I've become a follower and I will be back to see more of your awesome shots!

Micki said...

These are the kinds of photos that are just catching our breaths. Joe and I just love them all. I wrote a post about your blog on mine today. We are just so enjoying your lovely photographay, and it was wonderful hearing from you today!

T.D. said...

This one's for me! Thank you- it's breathtaking.

Ana said...

Magnificent! Congratulations!