Monday, December 17, 2012

Photographing Birds In The Rain


Rose said...


Deepa Gopal said...

OMG!! this is stupendous:)
I sure its a pro, still... which camera do you use??? Would luv to knw.

Anonymous said...

please pick up your Circle Of Friends award Thank you for being my friend

Brian Miller said...

oh, these are beautiful. love the colors...

Ruxandra Adina Gurgu said...

bird-of-paradise flower or Strelitzia reginae :) beautiful...

chalupczok said...

nice shot :)

Silvia said...

Those giant Sterlitzias are marvellous. Such a magnificent picture!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

I love Birds of Paradise...My parents had them in their garden in San Diego!!! Gorgeous!!! Fantastic photo as usual!! Are you on RedBubble? Hugs, Janine

NikonSniper said...

No I am only here. I have very little time to chase other venues. As it is ... there are days when this one is killing me for time. I really love it when I have those killer photo days where I can build a bit of backlog for a particular area ... so I can rest up a bit on some days. This trip has been very tough dealing with some weather problems and a bit less nature photography available.
NikonSniper Steve

NikonSniper said...

Oh, yeah, Janine ...
One really nice thing is having my window to my room wide open with a nice breeze coming through this room all night. That does help sleeping so all is not bad. I even like the sound of the rain ... it's just horrible to photograph in all day.
NikonSniper Steve

NikonSniper said...

hi deepazartz,
this was shot with a Nikon D90.
here's a bit more detail ...
nikonsniper steve