Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lookin' Down On Navy Pier


Julie said...

The first time I ever saw Navy Pier, it was just a long dock lined with rusty derelict buildings. It was still fun to walk to the end of it and see the power of all that water.
Are you a constant traveler?

Lucy said...

So this is what is one navy pier? Wow! I should go!

tera said...

I love this. It looks fun, yet lonely, all at the same time.

NikonSniper said...

I am not sure exactly how to answer that. I have been home for about 3 weeks now so I feel rested. I am getting close to 2 million frequent flyer miles. And when I am on the ground I photograph like I am on the back of a spinning bull that keeps trying to throw me so I experience tornadic photographic environment changes almost anywhere I am. What I photograph today ... may not been seen by the public for years.
But I am thinking of getting a coffee before I start packing to leave for Southern California.
NikonSniper Steve