Sunday, May 19, 2013

But Surfing IS My Day Job!


Anonymous said...

. It is a perfect "escape" from city living. It is probably one of the only places where you can get a nice frozen pina colada or margarita. The service was on hit. They came up and checked on us so many times and made sure everything was up to par. It gets very active and the bartenders keep everybody having a good time. The bartender was very accommodating. He was nice enough to make a drink, that wasn't on the menu, for me :0) Did I mention the bartenders are nice eye candy. It was amazing to see their “das boot” which is shaped like a boot filled with beer. Don’t get me wrong, I am not drunk…it’s an actual boot shaped beer container ready to be emptied.

Judy said...

As long as it pays the bills.... I want a job like this!

Janie said...

Surfers sure earn their keep just braving the cold waters of the north. The suits must really keep ya warm. Otherwise the passion of the surf has to be big. I love the surf, and will stop back by again.

Anonymous said...

Is it cold? Do those suits really keep you warm? I'd have to have warm warm water! I admire anyone that can balance on water with a tiny board~ LOL ♥