Thursday, July 19, 2012



Pugelicious said...

Love the ocean living in Australia - we have great surf - this looks pretty impressive.

Michaela said...

Now THAT'S a wave! Cool Picture!

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Whoa! Great shot of the wave, and I love the aqua color in the wave.
Funny that you call this photo Thunder, because, I think that a windy thunder storm sounds like the ocean it! surfers here?

Barbara said...

Wow, Stephen, Makes me so homesick for the Texas coast where I once lived. Great !


Erin said...

This is good.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I love the way you caught the wave. It feels like there's an edge that it's been folded and creased over.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh man, I can almost smell the seawater and feel the mist on my face. That is one breathtaking picture brother!

Have a marvelous day filled with blessings from above!!!

Meri said...

Nice plumes of foam hovering about the wave that's curling.

NikonSniper said...

i saw lots of surfers but not on this beach. these waves were fairly violent close to the break water wall. i think this may a very dangerous surfing area. this wave is less than 50 yards out there. the sheer weight was impressive. i really loved the residual mist from the cap collapsing. i could not see it when i was shooting so it was a pleasant surprise.
nikonsiper steve

Julie said...

Beautiful & calming...

Anonymous said...

Just how life felt tonight. Allow me to "get washed away" far and wide...
A wonderful Thursday for you.

Don and Krise said...

You should be out there hangin' ten. I really like the way you caught the spray on this one Steve. Very nice indeed!

Gigi Ann said...


Carol said...

I hope you spent the whole day there.

michael bird said...

Great capture of the mighty Pacific being somewhat non pacific.

audrey said...

Great timing on this one. It is a real beauty! I am going to the ocean next week ~ cant wait to see it.
♥ audrey

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Ya gotta respect the power of the ocean....fer sure!

Anonymous said...

It's my new desktop wallpaper! Lord, how beautiful.

Carol O.