Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Water Sculpting


Mimi said...

I always love looking at your shots!!!! They are amazing!!! The pregnant pizza girl was so funny!!!!If you always carry your camera, it is amazing what you will find out there!!!!
Great pics!!
I use a Canon Rebel XSi
I love it, teaching myself, reading the manual and point and shoot!!! Practice makes perfect or close!!!!

Anonymous said...

really great pictures! I love to visit your blog. In the States you have the chance to photograph great pictures of nature. I noticed that you are following my blog now, but its not my main-blog where I post every week. It would be nice to find you as follower in my main-blog Freude am Sein.

Scott Law said...

Love this one Steve. I'm sure glad we don't have to buy film anymore, aren't you? Can you imagine our film and processing bill at the rate we shoot? And yours would probably be triple mine. Plus it wouldn't be nearly as fun, because you'd have to wait to see what you got. Keep up the great work.


Claude Richard said...

Always beautiful shots Stephen !

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love this, too. I was in Jekyll Island this past week so I am posting some of my pics. I thought you might like some of them! If you stop by scroll down to see the first one I posted.

Anita Stoll said...

I enjoy you work so very much.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Now that one would be fun to study awhile... what amazing textures.

Judy said...

Sigh... I want to go to the beach...