Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New York State Of Mind


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Another interesting photo. I really enjoy what your camera finds to share with us.

Enjoy your weekend.

Elaine said...

I'm assuming that the figure in the photo is you, photoshopped in, but it really isn't believeable--you're in a colorful spot and there is no camera raised taking multiple shots. Attention to detail is important here.

BTW, getting even time. I've got a Sunshine Award for you on my blog.

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hey Nikon Steve...Thanks for stopping by and following....
Great shots and your titles rock!
Have fun in the Windy city...
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

"flying back to Chicago early today. No tellin' where I'll be next week."

What a cool life you lead! :-) Flying around, without a specific itinerary. Damn neat! ^_^

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Is that you?

Or did you take a quick shot of that guy, walking down the alley?

And then you ran??????????

Before he could catch up with you?


Kris said...

Great shot! What do you do that keeps you traveling so much? Inquiring minds want to know!

An English Shepherd said...

Cool shot :-)


Sylvia said...

Wow! The graffitti is exquisite. I love it.

Unknown said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh now... are you real or memorex? No shadow makes me wonder. **wink**

Theresa Addington said...

♥it ~ graffiti, amazing texture, love the coolness of color with the pops of color framing the edges of the photo~ very enjoyable photo

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Fantastic graffiti and so colourful. The rose is a beauty. Looks like a deserted path you tread there. Have a safe flight and enjoy your weekend.
Melbourne Daily Photo

NikonSniper said...

hey deb!
i did a little work on that shadow now.
nikonsniper steve

NikonSniper said...

i wrote a little bit on this subject for you in a recent post.
nikonsniper steve

NikonSniper said...

aunt amelia,
all i can say is that it definitely looks like me. that jacket is obviously large enough to carry an M1A1 Abrams Battle Tank in the sleeve so i wasn't really worried about the photographer approaching me with his pepper spray. his loss bringing pepper spray to a tank fight.
nikonsniper steve

Vivian aka Deborah said...

love the way your feet don't touch the ground. lol

s.c said...

Great graffity and also a great and expensive gate at the right side of the photo. A strange place indeed. Thanks for showing.

Annie said...


Dee Ready said...

Dear Steve,

So the trained eye sees possibility everywhere. Freezing the moment to share with us and capturing the soul within the scene. Oneness.



Photo de guerre ?

Belle fin de journée,
et à bientôt,