Thursday, May 6, 2010

Braff Zackton To The Rescue

Well folks, ... I did it again and I have finally got the courage to write about my extrodinary stupidity. Sure anyone can run out of gas. But can you do it twice. Last time I ran out of gas I was on the top of a mountain and coasted 2 miles into Payson, AZ to get to a gas station. I coasted and pulled right up to the pump. Can you believe it? Well, ... not this time.
I pulled into La Junta, CO a couple of days ago for my last stop of the day. I noticed I needed gas but I also noticed some cool things to photograph. I kept taking pictures for almost an hour and started my way back to Pueblo, CO. I looked down when the car started screaming at me and it was flashing "YOU MORON ... YOU ARE OUT OF GAS ... AGAIN"! Neat feature on the Saturns. It said I was out of gas but I was still going for about another mile ... then I was officially out of gas.
While sitting on the side of Highway 50 ... I called Braff Zackton. For those of you who don't know ... Braff is the guy who bails people out of trouble in transport trucks all day long for a living. Braff is my go to guy when I do really stupid things on the highway.
Well, Braff ... started laughing and hung up on me. When I called back I could still hear him laughing and he hung up on me again. The third time I realized I was actually losing power from a cell phone that was empty and he might not be hanging up. So THERE I WAS ... No gas. No phone. Coyotes starting to howl. I was feeling a bit like dinner.
I charged my cell phone for a few minutes while people screamed past me ignoring the old white haired man with his flashers blaring on the highway. I would have had better luck getting help if I parked in the middle of the highway. After enough juice got into the phone I called Braff Zackton again and shouted my GPS cordinates into the phone as he typed furiously into Delta Gas Force. The next thing I know a Colorado cop is looking into my eyes saying, "Sir, Braff called me and said you are a Moron and that this isn't the first time you have run out of gas on a highway". I said, "Uh, that's me. The officer gets me to show him ID and then says he will take me to get gas.
The funny thing is that he was required to "pat-me-down" or "frisk me" or "search me" depending on your taste in being personally scrutinized. I would have killed for photos of me with my hands spread on top of the squad car. In my head I kept hearing, "Bad boys, bad boys ... whatcha gonna do when the come for you".
I was in the back of the squad car when he had to walk around and let me out of the back door at a crowded gas station. I had to buy a gas can inside the store. I felt like saying, STICK em UP! You know, as a joke, but the guy behind the counter was one of the crazy looking Colorado guys that probably had a few funnier jokes of his own that could send me back through the store wondow in some kinda tazed state running from buckshot.
The Colorado State Police Officer was a great help. He just kept smiling at me and looking in his rear view mirror and saying, "Dude, you better not spill that gas back there". Well, I didn't. The officer did ask me if I wanted to wear the cuffs while I tried putting the gas in the car. That was funny.
Well either way. Braff kept me from walking out into traffic during my two hour prayer meeting on highway 5-0 ... so I guess I will live to photograph again. Thanks Braff.
NikonSniper Steve


Elaine said...

Good thing you've got Braff to bail you out. First rule of the roadtrip--always always always keep an eye on your gas gauge! I shudder to think of you driving the Alcan where gas stations are hundreds of miles apart, but the bears are not....

Mellodee said...

Is there really such a person?? Cuz, uhh, you aren't the only moron (sorry, your word) out loose on our highways. (LOL!)

NikonSniper said...

Braff Zackton is an alias for my oldest son. He works assisting drivers for a large transport truck leasing company with thousands of trucks in USA, Canada and Mexico.
If you get into trouble he can land an apachee helicopter beside your vehicle and have the pilot serve you warm scons and tea while you are buried in snow in a ditch.
nikonsniper steve

Katelin & Shaun said...

What a great story:) Glad it all turned out ok. Just keep taking great pictures and watch your gas gauge.

TSL said...

That's somebody I'd want on my side. All jokes aside, I am glad this had a happy ending. :-)

Scott Law said...

Maybe you should have a contest to see who can come closest to guessing when is the next time it happens. LOL!!!

Bossy Betty said...

It was starting to sound like a horror movie there in the beginning. Glad everything worked out!

becky said...

I ALMOST do this all the time. Haven't run out of gas yet, but I'll be in the in the middle of NOWHERE & look down & see I've only got a few miles left. SO FAR, it's always worked out. It would be nice if the gas light went on sooner!

Susan said...

Hey! I once coasted into Payson Utah! We have something in common!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!

Susan Roux said...

OMG you're hilarious! You should consider writing when you post your awesome photos...

Everyone loves a sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Just a little side note for Braff... "Father's Day is coming up - perhaps a shiny, brand new, full gas can with a huge ribbon???"

Annettes space said...

great story. Good thing you've got Braff.....
That cop would've scared the crap out of me. Was it really neassesary to frisk you? The american way i guess :-))

Alice said...

Makes you wonder . . . what else he told the cops.
Frankly, I would have laughed too.

CTG Ponies said...

Well, that's quite an adventure! You need to put post-its all over the car to remind you to get gas, in case you come across something interesting to photograph :)

Flutterby said...

Wonderful story and a wonderful son, you are doubly blessed. Have a great trip.

Chris Geiser said...

What a funny story, I laughed quite a bit. Awesome writing skills. Make sure and write about your third time you run out of gas too, and your fourth and fifth times. Haha just kidding. Nice story-telling skills. A good story to tell around the campfire. Blessings to you.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm glad you were kept safe - and that you have such a good sense of humor about it all!!

Richard Skura said...

Very entertaining story! Made me laugh! :o)