Friday, July 15, 2011

Heaven And Other Wild Truths

Heaven!!! ... Have you got your ticket?
Did ya ever just sit and wonder what heaven would be like? I am sure we all have different ideas. I bought one of those tickets for a lottery worth 162 million the other day. But even if I won ... it wouldn't be like heaven to me. It sure sounds real good and I would certainly find things to do with some of it but ... what's the point of thinking heaven is like winning 162 million when you have already lived most of your life.
I heard about a guy who won a big lottery when he was in his mid-eighties. He must have yelled, "Yee Haw", and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
I think I would imagine having marmalade on toast was like heaven if I made it to my eighties.
"Bill! BILL! BILL! You won ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY-TWO MILLION dollars."
"Oh, that's nice. Did you say the marmalade was at the back of the bottom shelf or on the front of the top shelf? Have you got any of that WHOLE wheat bread?"
Heaven has to be a place where you are in your PRIME TIME. I know I ain't gonna look like this! My wings are gonna be sassy and big to carry me around! So if you're looking for me up there ... I won't be looking like Lumpey Rutherford from Leave It To Beaver. We will all be looking great compared to the mess we are now. As Billy Crystal used to say, "You know it's better to look good than to feel good" ... but in heaven you're gonna feel good too.
There are verses in the Bible that say that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. I liked translating that into the fat will be skinny and the skinny will be fat ... but that wasn't really the point being made. It means that those who selflessly serve here will be served there. That's going to surprise a lot of us.
Can you imagine having a job that you thoroughly love? Can you imagine working for the King of Kings? I don't think we will tire of that kind of job. I don't expect people to be running off the job early. Here on earth we hate to feel used by people. In heaven we will love the feeling of being used by God to accomplish something for Him.
Many people think we won't work at all in heaven. They think we will just sit around chanting boring songs and trying to memorize the Bible we couldn't remember here. It's funny ... but some people seem to think that the God that made Australia ... would make a boring place for us to hang out for all of eternity. What if heaven was just as perfect as the earth was in the very beginning? Well it will be even better.
I also think we will eat in heaven and that there will be "awesomer" food than here. I actually think many wild things while on my meds! I look forward to seeing Christ. And my Dad and my grandparents and other believers who went hundreds of years ahead of me. It's going to be an incredible reunion. Have you got your ticket? It's free!
The more cashews you eat ... the more weight you will lose. Flights that don't just serve peanuts and Diet Dr. Pepper. Everyone will love their jobs and have 12 weeks vacation to spend in resorts that are free and there will always be room for you. The kids won't slip and fall at the pool. And if you eat in the restaurants ... you select your $25 steak and they bring you the steak and the $25 dollars just to thank you for coming because oh ... by the way ... they work for the King too.
No one is sick! No one is EVER sick! You can ride all the rides in the amusement park 50 times and there is no line, you just stay on and you never get sick. You will never be down on the beach and get a call on your cell phone to hear that Auntie Alice is under the weather. In fact, I want to be the guy in heaven who calls you on the beach and says "Hey Doris, have you heard about Alice? SHE'S STILL DOING GREAT!" And then hang up laughing!
People will be polite. Are you sick of being shouted at on a Monday morning when you're driving slow to work while taking pictures out the window? Oh, that's just me! Well, there's no crying in baseball ... and there's definitely no being nasty or mean in heaven. Imagine not locking your doors. No one is dangerous. The more tattoos you have ... the nicer you are! Ha! I had to knock somebody! Everyone has a Harley. The ones that owned Harleys while here on earth ... will have two Harleys in heaven and no one will be jealous.
Jesus is on the throne ... we won't need lawyers! There won't be any he said she saids.
The Government will rest upon His shoulders. If you don't find that encouraging ... you have had your head in the sand for a while. It seems no matter who it is in politics ... you know it ain't all good. Many people just want to throw the incumbents out because it's too difficult to figure out which ones aren't corrupt. GLORY! One day that will never concern us a bit. All hail King Jesus!
Well, I honestly just had a horrible day today. Sometimes I need to think about life after this life to pick myself back up and get a bit of an eternal perspective on what a bad day here really means. It's small taters. God is still on the throne. Nothing happened anywhere on earth today that had Him lean forward and say "My, My ... Who Saw That Coming?" He remains in control. God is not watching the stock market yelling, "SELL, SELL, SELL!"
I know some of you are thinking I should, "Get A Grip" after reading something like this. But I am here to tell you that heaven is far more incredible than we can imagine. Your wildest dream won't come close to its glory. And heaven can be your future home just for the asking. The Bible says in Acts 16:31, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." Trust Him!
And after a day like today ... I just get a kick out of thinking about things I have still yet to see. I hope you are one of those on the beach that I can call to tell you about Alice.
Have a great weekend. I am really going to get some rest.
NikonSniper Steve


Joe Cap said...

Everything you say makes sense.
This is why I call my blog the Shadow of my Life. All we see, do, feel, and experience here on earth is pale shadow of the greatness of heaven.
We will love more, food will taste better, the beautiful world that you have been photographing will be even more gorgeous, and our love for each other will meld with Christ...creating what God has wanted all along for be One with Him.

T.D. said...

Hey Mr. Steve, you just rocked my socks off. I was grinning the whole time I was reading this post. It was very, very encouraging :) So sorry you didn't so great a day but I'm so glad you have an eternal perspective!! It is also extremely encouraging for me to see you being so evangelical through your blog-- Lord bless you for it. Now you go get some rest now :D

(P.S. I agree with everything said here as long as you were kidding about having wings :P )

NikonSniper said...

actually i think i would like the wings ... they are good with ranch an d blue cheese dressing.
nikonsniper steve

Simple Christianity said...

Great post Steve! I can't wait to see what He has in store for me!

Love your pics btw!

Carol said...

"My, my --who saw that coming?"

ROFL! God bless you, younger brother in Christ. Have a relaxing and happy weekend.

ShEiLa said...

Absolutely Amazing!!!

So most of the time you remain quiet as you post the most awesome photographs... all of the sudden you write something like this... Mr.Steve you have more talents than you would like to admit. Not even believing that it was 'the drugs'.

I back you up 100% I am looking for that glorious reunion in heaven where I get to see all of the people I miss so dearly... especially my Mom.


ps. I have to link you to my blog and send everyone over here to read this... Wow!

Helen said...

Great Post Steve. Sometimes I do wonder what all will take place when we get there and meet the King. Being with my two babies that I never got to hold. Being with family and friends. I suppose everyone will be family when we all get there. Aren't we glad that we are headed that way.

Anonymous said...

Your many writings on the latest about your Christian faith tells us visitors that you currently have a need for extra strength in your everyday life.
For me it is quite OK - I am an atheist - lost faith after much soul-searching as a young woman, and nothing has changed this later!
But the thought of you, Steve, bouncing around on heavenly clouds with your camera, ohh the picture appeals to me - wings or not * LOL *

debi said...

It is so easy to get involved with "life" and forget the big picture..thanks for "reeling" in the real purpose!!! (Beautifully pondered version) Have a restful weekend!

Flutterby said...

Thanks Steve,
Your need for a pick-me-up on a horrible day spread joy to me when I haven't been doing so good either. I like the idea of having wings too, but if I don't, I am sure there is something else that is just as wonderful. Thanks for your eternal perspective.

Anonymous said...

I did not expect a comment on my blog, but of course I was exceedingly pleased with your comment, and Frederik my dog loved to read about a similar lovely dog from your Canadian childhood. Moreover, he sends your little family dog loving thoughts - are disappointed not to be available in chairs or sofa as yours:(

Nel said...

What a great post! Thanks for sharing what was on your heart! Can you imagine what it will be like? What wonderful beautiful pictures there will be! I may never meet you here, but looking forward to talking to you in Heaven!
until next time... nel

Katherine said...

Stephen I love your vision of heaven & had myself a little cackle envisioning you in white gown, with fluffy feathery feathers & glitter wings. That would be a sight to see...and maybe in heaven I will get the opportunity to meet all my blogger friends which earthly distance makes impossible for me.
Hope you're having a great weekend!!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I love your thoughts about that amazing place we are preparing for.....

Becca said...

What a great post! How amazing it will be to meet our Heavenly Father and to know such peace.

Angela said...

I LOVE this post!

Unknown said...

When I came to the realization Stephen that God made the world, but left it up to us stupid humans to run it, a lot of things fell into place.

Glory to God said...

I just have to say that I smiled as I read this. You have a good, descriptive way of thinking about heaven. And that's a pretty neat thing.

chie said...

this is so nice.. made me smiled and teary-eyed at the same time. thank you for the inspiration, to tell about our Savior no matter what the people may say. God bless!

Judy said...

Thanks, Steve. What an uplifting reminder of what truly matters. I can hardly wait to see my dog and my horse. And I hope I'm one of those on that beach!