Election Day 2010
Is anybody else sick of their political candidate choices? Are ya sick of attack ads? I am not talking about one party being better than the other! I wish there was a way we could fire every blasted one of them. Why should they be allowed to bankrupt the future of your children and grandchildren and skate off with their personal life benefits? Exercise your freedom today! Kick someone out!
NikonSniper Steve
Ah a man of my own heart. Our children and our children's children will be paying for their greed for the next decade. They have no shame. Power should be with the people and that is who they are supposed to represent. It is just the same on this side of the pond Stephen. Kev
negative ads, sub-human politics;
the poltics of DOGS!!!
the bigger the dog, the more the fight...
lots of barking
lots of peeing and sniffing...
dogs must bark
but humans don't have to...
man was not meant to snarl at each other like cats & dogs
negative ads, sub-human politics;
the poltics of DOGS!!!
the bigger the dog, the more the fight...
lots of barking
lots of peeing and sniffing...
dogs must bark
but humans don't have to...
man was not meant to snarl at each other like cats & dogs
I agree with your sentiments one hundred per cent. Washington needs a complete exorcism!
Probably one of the most honest pieces I read in a very long time.
Please have a peaceful Wednesday.
daily athens
You sound like an awful lot of the guys I work with.
Couldn't agree more. And now that corporations can fund any candidate with as much money as they want, I fear it's only going to get worse. Let's face it, the only people who can afford to run are the very wealthy. And they are going to protect their interests. It's time for sweeping campaign reform, and past time to clean house in Washington. Kat
I hope the ones who are the idiots are voted out! I know I didn't vote for them. Waiting for the results right now.
Good Evening Stephen...
Thank you friend for stopping by Country Wings in Phoenix. I see you have a few photos of our state that you have shared. It holds so much beauty for a desert. Just a different type of beauty. Out temps are in the upper 90's right now. Just the perfect Fall and Winter weather.
I so agree with your sentiments, but you know that won't happen. They will continue to run over and take advantage of us middle folks. We are always the ones that end up paying. I worry that there won't be S.S. for me by the time I get there, not to mention my children and grandchildren. As a country I feel the worse is yet to come. It worries me. But really who is listening to us? Does anyone really care?
I am off my soap box now. Have a great Wednesday, and thank for stopping by my blog. I am so happy to have you following. I am now your newest follower as well.
Have a great one, Sherry
I voted!!!
but I was so very weary of the crap in the mail on TV and everywhere else.
I left a comment here:
and it is how I feel.
[comment copied from blog listed above]
I am headed out to vote right now Miss Ashley and like you the politcal frenzy couldn't have come soon enough. I toss the ads I get in the postal garbage and I turn down the commercials and I have turned my message machine down and turned off the ringer so I don't even have to listen to it anymore.
I would like to kick every one of these candidates out, one by one. Rules made by those who supposedly are governing the people but, as I see it, they are the number one rule breakers. Does my opinion count in a country whose slogan is heard worldwide? "America the Free"
Maybe not.
Let Freedom Ring Stephen! Now lets see what our new found Majority can do...term limits anyone?? We must continue to hold our Representives accountable, we can't stop fighting just because the election is over.
I simply love what you say as it has no need of a concrete nationality... it has all the human and common sence and applies to the world, in general.
I agree with you sentiments.. its time for a huge change.. and God willing "we the people" will win..
Very wise words!! I did vote. I'm so sick of all the ugliness and waste of money ~ so far from the reasons why we have the freedom to vote and support the candidates of our choice. The money spent could very well take care of thousands of homeless, jobless and starving in our nation. Our military is not supported by the powers that be ~ it is all so very sad.
On a lighter note ~ your photography is incredibly beautiful! I want to thank you for stopping by my blog and following. I appreciate that so much!
Hope you have a wonderful day ~
I did my part last Tuesday.
I wish they could remember that they work for us, we do not work for them.
"The Constitution only gives
people the right to
pursue happiness.
You have to catch it yourself."
-Benjamin Franklin
Should you not be aware... President Obama is in New Delhi, India at present. Unfortunately, level of security is sooooo high, nobody can approach...
Take care
Loulou from New Delhi
Me, a danish, just think of my soldiers, who had died, become invalid, because Buch got us into war. Thanks!!!
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