Saturday, June 11, 2011

Top 7 Most Viewed NikonSniper Posts

Well, as of this moment there has been 82,293 pageviews on NikonSniper since starting 28 months ago. I guess I started my counter on the blog after there had been roughly 13,300 hits.
NikonSniper has grown to 9,513 pageviews in the last month! WOW! Honestly, I really never saw THAT coming when this whole thing started. Just in the last two weeks, we have been visited by people from 74 countries. That's CRAZY! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ... for all your kind words of support!

I never would have guessed that these would be the Top 7 Pageviews. I actually just found out this information myself ... because I actually spent some time reading all this info that is available for you on a Stats page. I had no idea all this info was here. Thanks again to all of you. I hope you continue to enjoy what you see here in years ahead.

#1 Worship The Creator's Majesty - 861 Pageviews
#2 Merry Christmas 2010 - 437 Pageviews
#3 Fall Wild Flowers - 330 Pageviews
#4 Childhood Fishing Creek - 299 Pageviews
#5 Sittin' On A Bluebird House - 211 Pageviews
#6 Thanking God For The Voice - 207 Pageviews
#7 Rango Makes Hollywood Billboards - 194 Pageviews


Rose said...

Why are you surprised? You are an excellent photographer you have an interesting blog and a huge personality! Congratulations!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Rose... you said it best...Ditto from me too, Mr Nikon Sniper!

Judy said...

Always good to know sharing your miracles and gifts touches the hearts of others.

Ruth said...

Those are some of my favorites too. I am glad that your testifying for Christ is in the top 7. You are doing great and I appreciate all you are doing for Christ and photography. I am pleased to see you on my friends Blog rolls for places visited. Keep going.

child of God said...

I agree with what Rose said!

Wonderful blog and I love reading your Jesus posts! You are a preacher for sure.


Gerry Adams said...

Hi Stephen, thanks for all the great photos and for standing up for the word of God.

Mellodee said...

Interesting....even though none of them would have been among my favorites of your photos!