The mad dash for the last of Christmas gifts has begun. I really like avoiding this kind of stress. I spent my day away from all of that with family. I ended up a few minutes ago near this little pond and was blessed by His creative hands again! Thank you Lord for sunsets. Thank you for allowing me to get away and see so many of them.
Love, Stephen
Поздравляю с Рождеством Христовым! В этот светлый праздник хочу пожелать мира и спокойствия в вашем доме, добра, взаимопонимания, достатка, любви, счастья, душевного равновесия, успехов во всех начинаниях, побольше радости, крепкого здоровья и всех благ! Пусть оправдываются все ожидания и сбудутся самые заветные мечты!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
oh Amen!
Friendly Aloha from Waikiki,
Comfort Spiral
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That type of scene is a gift all it's own. Thank you.
How marvellous, how loving is our great God that He would paint across the skies fresh, unique sunsets every day for our pleasure and His glory. May you and yours enjoy a greatly blessed Christmas, Stephen. Thank you for the pleasure your photography brings to so many.
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