Saturday, March 30, 2013

Two Ice Teas Please


Lew said...

Looks like a delightful spot for an iced tea and fish and chips.

Unknown said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm curious how you found me. I really enjoyed looking at your images.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...sign me up! I'm DONE with winter in the northeast! :-)


Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. You certainly have some amazing photographs here on your blog, will have to become a follower to see what you get up to in your travel's

Rob said...

I am ready for scenes like this with being tired of winter. Say, this view reminds me of the movie "The In Laws" with Michael Douglas.

joo said...

Great photos here!! Thanks for nice comment on my blog:)

DrSam said...

Amazing photoshots here. A great Nikon sniper!

Thank you for having a peek into my blog.

Tom said...

Hey Stephen....Nice "eye"...I glanced at them fast..will browse later!! Keep clicking....

Anonymous said...

I would love to be ordering iced tea right now with a lake breeze brushing my face, and umbrella shadows covering my hands. Lovely shot.

Cheryl said...

Yes indeed!

Judy said...

Visiting this blog is like traveling for free....and more than that. Wonderful image, awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to sit there!