Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stormy Blue


Vivian aka Deborah said...

Nice catch of these creepy clouds!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I love that way you've caught the dark and light... and the feeling of vast expanse.

I've lived near and around the prairies in Alberta most of my life, and we're used to enjoying our wide open spaces.

This would be a picture I'd love in my house.

Jamie said...

I love the reflection on the water. Perfect! I spent three hours amoung a huge flock of birds this afternoon and learned one thing. The camera does not work for you. You must work the camera. My eyes hurt! LOL!! Love, Jamie

Nel said...

That is beautiful!

Aman Santosa said...

That is beautiful

Gypsy Quilter said...

This one is my current favorite, but then, I'm partial to blues.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing this too!!
My daughter & I were walking back to our car, and she said, "It's getting dark, but look! That looks like God wants to remind us he is here!"

Beautiful photo, Stephen.



NikonSniper said...

good memory. one of the greatest thrills i have is taking photos for people to enjoy. your car was a classic way to do that for you. i would have taken photos of you with your daughter ... but to offer that kind of thing can make people very wary. in this day and age you have to be very careful.
God bless. thanks so much for dropping by. there are nearly 2000 photos here now and if i'm lucky i'll get another 2000 this year. if you can keep piling year after year at that rate ... someone will eventually think you knew what you were doing. ha!
nikonsniper steve

Peter Stone said...

This is awesome, with the sunlight peeking through the gap between the clouds and the water.

Judy said...

It almost doesn't look real... the contrast of dark and light so stark... the clouds looking like white stone, and yet a little filtered... amazing.

NikonSniper said...

this was photographed from cabrillo near san diego looking out over the pacific ocean. you can see from many of my photos that i DO like to push color. the coolest part of this photo is ... i didn't doctor this. that light on the water was there.
nikonsniper steve

Janne said...

A really beautiful photograph. We take so much beauty around us for granted, you have captured it for us to enjoy.

Nordis said...

Beautiful photo. Lovely colors on the clouds and the sea.