Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Barnyard Grey


Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

Two superb photos today. Congratulations on the achievements of your daughter. I will sign up to follow her blog.

Thank you for signing up to follow my new travel photo blog, Viva la Voyage, even before I posted any photos to make it operational. I have now done my first post, which is about Petra, Jordan. I hope you find the site of interest.

Lucy said...

This reminds me of when I was growing up. 9 kids and I was the tag along, unexpected, poor small farm and I remember most of our buildings looked like that,tiny 4 room house, not quite so weather beaten.

Eve said...

Love this one Stephen! Well, all of them really but this one is my favorite today!

Brian Miller said...

this one is pretty amazing. i wonder was it abandoned or still in use. amazing to see so much life in something many would think dead.

JamaGenie said...

I've always loved the shadows and texture of weathered siding!

Pat said...

Love the color of the weathered gray wood, and the reflection of the blue sky in the window.

Anonymous said...

I have a great love for old wood and this shot is wonderful

kimsminiatures said...

I love your pictures. I love taking pictures of miniatures. Yours are wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

Nina Morelli said...