Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Illinois Gardens


Katherine said...

Oh so pretty! Spring is sprung!

slavkosnip said...

Beatifull! Very nice!:)))

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen,
Thanks for joining my blog, and your pictures are breath taking! May I use your saved by the school bell on my class blog?
Also, I see you've found my older class site. How did you find me??
Thanks, and keep those amazing photos coming!
Peace to you and yours...

Cheryl said...


NikonSniper said...

write where U-R,
yes, ... to your request regarding the skool bell. i loved skool so i have no objection to you using the bell for a skool thing-ey.
as to how i found you ... i may have been on a sugar high when i stumbled into your blog from a friend of a friend of a friend. i probably ate too many grapes however, i was very interested in the heartfelt prayer for employment you placed in your blog. i know so many are in need right now for deliverence. may God provide to each one of them.
nikonsniper steve

Raziff Lokman... said...

Wonderful colours!