Monday, July 30, 2012

Pink Strawberry Cups


Kelly L said...

my favorite color of pink..

Great pic!


MedaM said...

I have found your blog really beautiful; full of wonderful photos. I enjoy the beauty of this lovely flower and its color. The photo is even more beautiful when it is enlarged.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your nice comment.

Anonymous said...

Love your photos. Thanks for visiting my blogs and the follow, appreciated. I have added your blog to my Blogger's Cafe: in Library 2 under Photography.


Helen said...

Very pretty! Helen

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

What a great blog! I have been looking through your photos and see that I will have to stop back and spend a long time looking :).

Nikon has been my favorite camera for a long time, I have a Nikon digital SLR but find myself using the compacts most of the time. I recently strayed away from Nikon and bought a Sony TX1.

My all time favorite is a Nikon Coolpix S4 because of it's swivel body, you can capture unique angles using it, I find myself grabbing this camera often even though I have several newer ones.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How pretty! I don't think I've ever seen this flower!

Gallow said...

I love the colors. They are a stark contrast to our current weather of black and white in the north. They give me hope for(until) spring.

Unknown said...

Its real Straberry...wonderful..

Self Sagacity said...

Beautiful pictures on your website.

Carole said...

I have just started following your blog, I am so happy to have found it, and so inspired by your photographs. I love the color of this flower and did not know its name.
Thank you for sharing your world.

Skoots1moM said...

reminds me of my mimosa tree blooms :)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Don't you just love colours that make you want to 'bite' into them they're so vibrant.


Rachel Cotterill said...

I'm following your blog now - 10% because these are very pretty flowers, and 90% because you have about the best title/tagline ever.

Although... well, I'm a Canon girl, myself ;)

Dr. T.L. Sanderfer said...

Congratulations! I have chosen you to receive The Best Blog award!
Here is a link to the rules:
And here is the link to the award image:
I have been both entertained and inspired by your blog. Keep on blogging, and please check out my Jan. 30st post for a list of other blogs I feel worthy of the title Best Blog. May God bless you!
Dr. T.L. Sanderfer

NikonSniper said...

as you know canon makes great cameras. i am more about photography than the brand of camera. and welcome here. thanks for your kind words.
nikonsniper steve