Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monarch In Blue


Katherine said...

Your Blue Butterfly reminds of a movie by the same title.It's about a little boy with inoperable cancer who goes on search for the magical blue butterfly with a leading entomologist after his mother pleas with & convinces the entomologist to grant her son his last wish to capture the morph (blue butterfly). The entomologist takes them on a trip to the jungles of Costa Rica to search for the butterfly. The journey transforms their lives & a miracle occurs.
When the boy returns home to America he is free from cancer. It is based on a True Story!

kyungmee said...

what a sweet butterfly!

Scott Law said...

Great colors. I really like the blue of the butterfly against the lime green with the little red flowers. Top notch.

NikonSniper said...

wow ... uh, i'm not cultured enough to have seen that movie. when i was a kid they used to send me special notice to wear socks to the christmas banquet. so i guess i got lucky with that title.
nikonsniper steve