Well, ... it finally happened. And I think the world is a little better for it. Thanks to Jane at Gaston Studio Blog I have been awarded the infamous "One Lovely Blog Award." See http://gastonstudio.blogspot.com/
What can I say? Tears ... and well, I'm sobbing profusely. My sons are looking at me like I am should have played powderpuff football. They keep muttering things under their breath ... "He won what?". They keep saying things like I have turned "totally sissy on them." But, Jane, I want to thank you for the thrill, honor and joy of the "Lovely Blog Award." Truthfully ... the word "Lovely" has only been in vocabulary in the last few years. But ... I am working on growing older in a little bit more mellow fashion than my first 50 years. So, ... thanks to Jane ... I get to add the Pink Teacup to my Blog. Seriously, I gotta go get a towel. I think my sons are going to beat me up if I don't quit crying. Thanks.
NikonSniper Steve
Congratulations Steve on your lovely blog award. Remember to follow proper etiquette for drinking tea:
"First and foremost never hold your cup with your pinkie finger extended. This is improper and in most social settings is considered rude. Place your index finger into the handle of the cup up to the knuckle while placing your thumb on the top of the handle to secure the cup. The bottom of the handle should then rest on your third finger. The fourth and fifth fingers should curve back towards your wrist.
At one time it was traditional to pour the milk into the cup before the tea. This was done to prevent the glaze on delicate tea cups from cracking. We do not have that problem today, so add the milk after the tea so that you can judge how much to use based on the color change.
When stirring your tea, be careful not to clink your spoon against the cup. Gently swish the spoon back and forth without touching the sides of the cup. When through stirring, remove the spoon and place it on the saucer behind the tea cup and to the right of the handle. Of course, never take a drink of your tea without removing the spoon first, and please never, ever sip from the spoon.
If seated at a table, do not lift the saucer (this is only proper if standing; then lift the saucer with the cup.) When you taking a sip of tea do not look around at the other guests, but lower your eyes so you can see what your doing and not spill your tea down the front of your blouse or dress [shirt, for you :-)].
When your cup is low try to avoid the temptation of swirling the tea in the cup. How embarrassing if some should happen to slosh onto the tablecloth and we all know how easily tea can stain."
- http://www.tealaden.com/teaweb/etiquette.htm
I knew this was gonna be trouble. They should give away Blog Tattoos to guys.
NikonSniper Steve
Congratulations on the much deserved award.
CJ xx
Glad to see you're secure enough in your masculinity to accept this award! Lol, congats!
today i do feel pretty and witty and ...
Oh my this was flipping funny. I have tears in my eyes, too, from laughing so hard. Yes, I admit I had a lump in my throat... your acceptance speech was moving and should be framed. Totally made my day!
Your acceptance speech was funny.
Both my kids are out the house at
the moment. If they had been here,
I would have read it to them.
I read one yesterday to my kids,
and they could not believe how I
carried on over it. They thought I
was treating it like it was a Grammy.
Congratulations on your Blog Award.
Your photos are awesome.
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