Perhaps those of you who live in America's Southern States will understand when I say that if you are from the North, it does not feel quite like Christmas if you aren't in snow. It is almost wild to my eyes to see the decorations on businesses and homes when it's 72 degrees and beautifully sunny outside. In the North, Christmas and New Years are often in snowy weather that you dread as soon as the ball drops in New York and the tree is crammed back into the closet. Everyone seems in good spirits through the school breaks and then the drudgery of Northern winter hits you like dropping both boots into 24 inches of salty slush.
ARIZONA ... you are looking mighty good about then! Well, as good as being South in the winter might feel ... especially as I get older ... I wouldn't trade the Northern Christmas season. It's home for me. I am sure you understand. Home is home ... no matter where that is for you. Here's hoping that you are home for Christmas. This is the end of the 2009 travel road for me. Very early tomorrow morning I will be heading to Santa Ana to fly to Chicago. I hope you have enjoyed this run. I look forward to some new places in 2010. Photos will continue in the next few days from our snow covered Chicago area (Well, we had 12" about 10 days ago but I'll believe it when I see it). I will probably continue to post some random trip shots from the past year as well. Hope you have enjoyed.
All the best.
NikonSniper Steve
May the Christ of Christmas Lift you upon His shoulders and give you His peace - this Christmas and forever more. Nice to have met you, Steve, before the year comes to an end. I look forward to following you in 2010. Have a great time with family and friends!
Safe trip - Happy Christmas!
Steve, I have always lived in the Midwest and I have to say if I didn't have snow at Christmas I would miss it terribly! But like you said, home is home no matter where you are. We received 10+ inches of snow and I managed to snap some pictures of the freshly fallen white powder! I invite you to my blog to see my Winter Wonderland photos! http://allroadsleadhome-deeb5.blogspot.com/ Thank you for all of your photos, so glad I found your blog! Merry Christmas and may you and your family have a blessed New Year. ~Sarah~
I am letting Patrina say/write my words. Your photos are always the best, your comments are excellent, and I look forward to following you in 2010. Happy Holidays!
Agree with you much about the cold and snow, coming from the North of Germany it still is hard to share Christmas with palm trees and trees filled with oranges and lemons.
Please have a wonderful Friday.
I have really enjoyed your photos this year! Merry Christmas!
I don't think Christmas would be the same down South for me... the cold and snow is a necessary ingredient, I think.
Safe trip.. enjoying the pics, thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas to you too!! Enjoy the holidays!
Steve thanks for all the great shots you have shared with us - wishing the best Christmas and New Year.
in my country, it's 26-34 Celsius now but I can say if you're here you can feel of Christmas and New Years coming. I wish me & my family has a time to travel to your country. Merry Christmas to everybody and a new year with very much funny.
I have commented before but not often. Have read the captions on your pictures.. We have lots of snow and more coming here in Nebraska. People way down at the bottom,of Ne., Auburn, felt their first earthquake. Guess it was something. We are so flat. but the fellow that knows all about it says we actually have several quakes but few are felt. Have a Merry Christmas and stay safe.
You've been to some terrific places and posted great photos - thank you. I wish you & your family a very happy Christmas and hope to see lots more photos from you in 2010.
I live in upstate New York and last year I was in Florida just before Christmas, lights and balls on Palm Trees don't cut it for me.
Have a Merry Christmas Steve.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing the world with us.
Love the Santa. And we are getting snow this weekend so YAY!!!!! Merry Christmas!
I love every step of your journey! ;) I wish I would be home for Christmas too. I'm tired of my wanderings and, God, I wish I could arrive to a good, friendly port and rest! Bless you, Stephen, you're a great man! Your world is amazing! Thank you for sharing it!
First, thanks for following my blog. I must say that I loved your way to see life and your passion for photography. I also love photography, although my camera isn't the best. It's great to see things through the eyes of others, so we can identify with people even never having spoken with them. Thanks for share! Sorry my language errors... take care... Larissa
I'm not far from Santa Ana! Anyway, I know what you mean. Today was a gorgeous day --70's, and I was happy to fling open the doors and run around in flip flops!
My friend from N.C. married a man from Australia. Now she's down under and it's swelterint hot on Christmas day! He doesn't know anything different --it's always been like that. So they do something called, "Christmas in July" up in the mountains, where all the expatriates meet for dinner.
Enjoy the holidays at home.
Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.
Amazing picture.
How good is go home for christmas, right?
Merry Christmas Steve! Safe travels. I spent many a white Christmas in the snow belt off the north east coast of Lake Ontario, I think I'm going to enjoy my short winters here in northern Alabama for a while.
God Bless you and your family each and every day.
Happy Holidays, Steve....may the "year of the tiger" be a good one for you!!
Growing up in Colorado, we had a 'white Christmas' more often than not....here in Japan, we'll have some snow, but not very much..at least until january or February. this morning we have some fluffy flakes and the boys and i were almost giddy thinking that it would last. sadly....the sun soon came out and it was just cold.
i miss the snow...sometimes.
happy happy to you and yours!!
Wow. Stay safe and have a great Christmas.
nikonsniper steve
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 2000 contest."
I do have to agree that it sure is weird to have Christmas in such warm weather. I do believe we have that same Santa Claus at the supermarket down the street.
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