Have you ever had a divided mind? Of course you have! Well, it's happening for me now. I am about to depart for Southern California. Everything is in final stages. I am starting to feel like I am in California. The packing, the itinerary, travel targets, GPS loading, customer contact files, the phone numbers, emails, product literature, final calls to close friends in illinois, seeing my mom, family, ... and a special request task for one of my children in whom I am so proud are all in progress. I may tell you more about this last one in the future. It's just something that I am still strugling with a bit in family life. It's all good ... it's just part of growing up and trusting God in another "change issue" a bit more than before. This takes faith and can be tough on you even after you get gray hair. Well, I guess I learn a bit more every day. I don't always want to learn ... but someone up there has a sense of humor.
I have so enjoyed my break and the fact that most of you hung around during a winter lull in NikonSniper activity. Thanks so much. You are such an encouragement.
OK, let the rodeo begin! This next trip departs Chicago for Santa Ana on January 11 and will bring more photography from the Los Angeles, Bakersfield, and San Diego areas. I hope to head back to the Sequoia National Park and to the Simi Valley Ronald Reagan Library on the weekends. If you know these areas, your travel tips are welcomed. You can see the approximate travel map I will be covering on this adventure.
One really cool thing I learned on this trip is how to set up photo posts in advance so that when I get into difficult travel days there can be a normal launch of photos. This is cool because I can set it up and go to sleep or continue working without distractions. That will help me tomorrow when I am hitting the ground and need rest rather than have to seek new targets immediately.
Here's hoping you will come along. I will be looking through my travel schedule for the rest of 2010 to see where I will be heading in the months ahead. I will let you know when I am coming to a theater near you.
All the best.
NikonSniper Steve
May your travels be safe...
May you find inspiration and peace!
Have FUN :)
Thanks for stopping by the PowellRiverBooks Blog and joining me as a follower. In all my posting I haven't bumped into you before. You have some great photos, and it seems you travel a lot to get them. I lived in Southern California for the first 56 years of my life and then moved to Coastal BC. I love it up here, and there is so much to do and photograph. There isn't a day that I don't find something beautiful or unique.
We live most of the time in our off the grid cabin. Like you we don't have TV or even Internet there. But I must admit when we come to town we have both and just about drive us crazy. I also schedule my posts ahead so we can be at the cabin we love but I can still share my stories and pictures. Let me know if you have an questions. - Margy
" A theater near you" that is so funny, Steve. Of course I will be following. Wouldn't miss it! And thanks for your honest sharing :)
I do worry that you don't get enough quality rest, while on the road. Will be praying for the journey. God's safety and His overwhelming peace accompanies you. Everytime you pull out that camera - remember from time to time, to thank Him for the opportunity to see life from a differnt perspective.
God's blessings on you and on your family in your absense.
~ Patrina <')>><
I can't wait to see what you
post! I just watched a couple travel shows on
PBS, as I do every weekend...If you can't be there yourself, then looking through the lens with someone else is a great alternative! I posted a picture
of Mt. Hood on my blog, that I took from the plane,
on the way to Portland, that you might like to see.
Happy travels to you...
Waiting to see where God takes you and how He directs your eye.
Go with God and may He grant you safe travel and work out all the family issues.
Praying for safe travel and many awesome pictures. Thank you for allowing me to follow your journey. Your pictures are AWESOME!
Right there with you all the way...we'll both enjoy!
Looking forward to where the road takes you. I think you should come to the MS Coast, lol. Have a safe and blessed trip!
Safe travels and abundance in the journey!
Honey, I wish you much luck and productivity in your journey! Adimiro much your work, even though in a different country.
kiss e hung
have a very safe trip! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
My name is Makiko.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I'm really interested in your photos.
I'll visit your blog a lot.
Have a good trip! I know you'll get some more great photos. Oh, and when you're at Sequoia National Park, if you're driving in from the south, remember to watch the road. Having been there a couple of monnths ago, I shudder to think of you driving up that narrow winding road around the side of the mountain. First you find a pullout, pull the car over, put it in park, turn off the engine, THEN you take the photos of the view or whatever else has caught your eye. Live to snipe another day.
I pray you have a safe trip and you are blessed with lots of inspiration to share with us. Can't wait to see what's next! :)
i thank God a lot for the opportunity to see things. the words i often ask Him in prayer are that He might "drag me in front of cool stuff that might help show Him to others in this world" or that "He would be willing to expose something unique today that would make people see His attention to detail". God is there and He is trying to get our attention in a crowded world that is screaming for our attention. we know that scripture declares that His wonders have been clearly seen from the beginning. but now we have the ability to capture these things for close observation.
thanks, nikonsniper steve
my wife and mother say the same thing. but seriously, what would i write about if i remembered. maybe when i get to fairbanks you could point out the polar bear petting zoo for me. make sure you have your video camera set up. i'll give you a nikonsniper magic moment. imagine having video of the end of the road. wow i bet you could sell that to a few people i work with.
nikonsniper steve
Oh, we don't need to bother with a zoo. We'll just go to a bear-baiting station and let you act as the bait--just so you can get a close-up action shot of course. Of course maybe a black bear or a grizzly wouldn't be exciting enough and you'd prefer a polar bear and you'd have to head down to Anchorage to the zoo or up to Barrow to see them in the wild. Oh, my, Nikon Sniper in the wilds of Alaska. Now that does sound scary!
i heard you can hand feed the grizzlies in alaska because they are so happy to see you. some of them go days without getting to meet a human face to face. that would be cool.
nikonsniper steve
seriously elaine,
i just looked at barrow photos. incredible polar bears there. would love to add that to my hit list someday. rugged beauty in alaska. can't wait to be there someday.
nikonsniper steve
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