Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Half-Baked Thoughts

Just for this post:
1. Suppose I consider you one of my friends. And I do ... allbeit from a distance.
2. Suppose I have incredible wealth ... and I don't ... but just suppose for this post that Bill Gates is too poor to be my limo driver.
3. Suppose that I couldn't spend my wealth in millions of life times.
4. Suppose you are in desperate need.
5. And Suppose I make no effort to intervene and try to help you with my unlimited resources.
Am I really your friend?

Why do I want to paint this half-baked scenario? Bear with me and read on.

Well, OK ... I deeply believe that Jesus Christ is the only answer for the worlds problems and for the problems of each individual. I believe Jesus alone holds the keys to an eternity with God. Please understand that I am not declaring this to be true! I am merely stating that the Bible clearly teaches this within its covers. All I am saying is that I believe what the Bible says.

Again, if you disagree with me ... please don't be offended. I am not stating this in any judgemental or arrogant way. This is a faith issue. I am even now ... NOT good enough or smart enough to earn heaven! I am still a very flawed man. I DO believe that I am going to heaven because getting there isn't based upon me. I believe that everything I have eternally speaking is completely the result of what Jesus did for me on the cross.

Now, I told you that ... to tell you this!

Most Christians believe what I have just stated. We would definitely say it differently but most Christians DO believe what is declared in the Bible. In fact, Christians deeply believe that Jesus is the only way. They are placing their faith, belief and trust in his very own declaration to be "the only way." See John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. In fact, go ahead and freak out a Christian you know, ... walk right up to them and ask them, "Hey, Dude is Jesus the only way to heaven or not?"

Just remember that Christians aren't declaring that Jesus is the only way! Jesus himself declared that! Christians are merely trusting and believing in his words and placing their faith in him alone. Simply said ... Christians believe that Jesus IS who HE said he was. Jesus didn't come to earth, walk around, teach love and understand and leave to be followed by a bunch of Christians that sat around and said "Hey, let's tell everybody that Jesus is the only way to get to God." Jesus declared that for himself ... and by the way he backed it up by predicting his own death and resurrection! Christians only recorded that he did these things. Many Christians were put to death because they would not deny what they saw in his bodily resurrection. I think this takes it far above a religious experience and makes it one of fact for them. However, since I didn't see the risen Savior myself ... some 2000 years later it becomes a matter of faith for me based on those historic events.

As a result, Christians are taught in scripture (John 14, 1 Corinthians 15) that there awaits an enternal and glorious home for them. Scripture also teachs simply that if someone rejects Christ they spend an eternity separated from God. This separation from God is referred to in the Bible in many ways but we most often refer to it as hell.

Now IF I am a real Christian and IF I really believe that the difference between an eternity spent in heaven or hell was earned simply by faith in Christ ... and I really believed that with my whole heart ... Why on earth wouldn't I tell you out of concern for your well-being? If I tell you that you are my friend ... and I truly believe that heaven or hell awaits us all and that Jesus is the difference, in fact the ONLY difference ... How could I say you were my friend ... and yet choose to keep Jesus a secret or mystery from you? I should tell you if I really believe it and care for you. Shouldn't I?

The Bible teaches that we can't earn heaven. Jesus makes heaven possible for us if we will trust in him alone ... so I grabed that incredible gift! Jesus paid it all.

How could I let you live your life thinking that you need to be really, really, really good to get to heaven? Read Romans Chapter 3:10 & 3:23, it says no one is good enough. Read Romans Chapter 3:20, it says no one will be declared good enough by trying to be good enough. It also says that obeying the law was NEVER designed to save people. The law was made so that we would know we were sinners. If there was no law ... there would be no sin. God's standard had to be written so we would know that we were sinners. If there were no laws in your town ... you could do anything you want. The law was written but it wasn't written in order to make it possible to get to heaven by obedience to it! You aren't good enough. Me neither!

That means I could never even possibly be good enough to earn heaven and God knew that so he provided a way for all men to have eternity in heaven through His son, Jesus. Read Romans 6:23.

Now PLEASE hear me here! You can think I'm completely and absolutely WRONG! That's OK! I will still value your oppinion! You can think I am a complete nut job and that is also OK. And YES, you can tell everyone that I am turning into a lunatic. But I ask you again, ... IF I really believe that a decision for Christ is the difference between an eternity in heaven or hell ... and I never tell you ... How could I ever say that you were really my friend?

After you think I'm wrong, crazy or a lunatic, I just hope you know that I care enough to tell you and that I can't be silent. In no way would I even think of being condemning because I am not the judge and we are told not to judge. We are however, told to tell others about the free gift that is good news available to you from God through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19,20). Too often I have been silent ... and the more I think about it ... being silent seems like I only care for myself.

Now, there's a nutty post for ya!
God bless. Jesus loves you ... this I know!
NikonSniper Steve


Katherine said...

A sincere & caring heart is what you have displayed, to me in this post. I thank you for putting it out there & sharing what you know with us. Religion is always going to be a touchy subject.
What you have to share comes from a very good place & with the very best of intentions and I would like to thank you for that!
I hope you have a truly wonderful week Stephen...cheers Kath

Jeni said...

Would I call you "nutty?" Okay, maybe once in a while but no more than I would any other person who expresses an opinion that might make some folks turn their heads a bit. Nothing at all wrong with that in my book -express away! I would however take umbrage at your self-description that you take lousy pictures because that is about as far from the truth as any statement can get!

As to the religious theme here, I have a few ideas of my own that some in the Christian community have said are too off the wall and weird. Mine involve the millions of people who walked the face of the earth prior to Christ's arrival and since they had no opportunity to know Him -regardless of whether they were Jew, gentile or whatever -does that mean they are automatically relegated then to an after life in Hell? As I said, when I voiced that to some friends, they really gave me a stern talking-to! I still haven't changed my mind about my beliefs though so guess their words on me may have been wasted. Just a thought though, ya know.

NikonSniper said...

awesome question. read hebrews 11. it talks about exactly how the old testament people were saved in the new testament. i love it ... especially hebrews 11:31 when it talks about how rahab the prostitute was saved. being good isn't good enough by the words of the Bible. we are too used to hearing that God saves good little boys and girls. i believe the Bible teaches that he only saves forgiven boys and girls.
call me a nut but i care.
nikonsniper steve

Daniel & Sonja said...

Great writing Stephen - I believe God is using your pictures and your words to glorify Him.

Dawning Inspiration said...

What an amazing post. God is using you, obviously, to share His truth. I believe faith....and I received forgiveness by grace....and no, I didn't and don't deserve it.

Flutterby said...

I appreciate your statement that someone's opinion that you are not a good photographer is ok. In a sense you have sacrificed something dear to your heart and permitted people to disagree with you. I am thankful for your openness and willingness to share without judgement. A beautiful gift that matches your beautiful pictures. You also helped me solve a personal dilemma, how to share my faith in Christ without condemning others. You lead by example. Thank you.

Susan said...

How refreshing and inspiring to meet people like you Steve. "You can't please all the people all the time." We each have a responsibility to each other - God's other children - to bear our testimony of Him, and not fear "man". That is Christ-like love. We are commanded to do our best to become like Him. What better way, than to love.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

YAY! Nicely said.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Well said! I'm glad to hear/read that you are a fellow believer, a brother in Christ!

Ink Scrawls

Richard said...

Great post Steve. I do believe God is using you as one of His teachers.

With that being said, a good teacher doesn't apologize for his beliefs. Nothing you say is going to change my beliefs, just as what I say will not change yours.

So get out there and keep spreading the word.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for 'not keeping silent'. We aren't members of a secret society - we're Christians!
Praying for and with you here my friend - and for everyone who reads the Truth God has expressed through your post.

Jessica Brunette said...

well done. I'll add one more thing: it wasn't entirely what He did on the cross that was most saving, but what he did in Gethsemane. I too, am forever grateful for the plan of salvation.

CHummelKornell said...

Steve, Thank you for counting us all as 'friends', even from afar. Thanks again for not being afraid to state your faith. I agree wholeheartedly with your post and declare my love of God and Jesus as well. Your wonderful photography depicts the incredible earthly achievements of the Father. God Bless You for your strength.

Amanda said...

Beautiful post, and you are in no way crazy. You should be proud of yourself for doing this. Not only does it show that you care enough about your friends and followers to express concern for their future well-being, but it also shows that you are a believer and not afraid to show it.

Too many people around me I find claim faith to one religion or another, but never really give much thought to what they believe. You've shown here that you've given much thought to this, and I thank you for that. Everyday through your words and pictures and actions, you're helping people find their way to the path of God and his glorious creation. :) Good work.

Being Christian too, I do agree with you, but I've never really been able to wrap my head around God denying anyone heaven. Maybe I just haven't read enough of the bible. I've always seemed to view God and Jesus like best friends, people who are always there for you, and step up when you need them. But then again, I still might be to young and naive to really have any idea at all what I'm talking about.

Again, thanks for posting this, it will help me on my journey to discover my own beliefs. :) Thanks!

Angela said...

Loved your post! I believe every word you said too!

Jesus loves You!

Cheryl said...

This is a beautiful post. I appreciate your stepping up to share, I am too shy, scared even to say these words but glad that there are those who will do so. And I too believe that you are sharing God's beauty with us through your photos.

Dee said...

You are only doing what the Lord tells us to do...preach the gospel. :)

@eloh said...

I thought you were fixin' to loan me a ten spot.

Bless you.

NikonSniper said...

i reread your comment again and it is more complex a question than i am able to answer. i guess i am realizing that my answer did not cover the gentile side of the question at all. i don't know if i have a better answer. i guess on some things i have to chalk it up to belief that God can not do wrong and so i just have faith that he had that under control in a just way. i am however certain that my brain couldn't grasp much of his game plan. your comments did make me think of some thoughts i would bounce off people in the future.
nikonsniper steve

NikonSniper said...

comment deleted!
i read your note and just want you to know that you must be amazing to have gotten over even part of your anger.
may God bless you in rich ways. may he protect you from all harm for the rest of your days!
nikonsniper steve

Rick said...

Stephen - I'm glad I was led to visit your blog again today, and to this particular post.

You have demonstrated Jesus' love for all mankind - He doesn't want anyone to perish. He does make it clear though, as you've pointed out, that belief in Him is the only way to an eternal life with Him.

The good things is that the judging isn't up to any of us - "who can know a man's heart except God". We just need to do our part in spreading the good news, and you've done that well with this excellent post! I hope that there are some among your many followers who may not have given much thought to this before who will now give this real consideration and act on it.

My God bless you.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Thank you, Steve. More than I can say.

Rose said...

Steve, another great post. I think Romans 4 answers the question about those who lived before Christ. They were justified by faith, just as we all are.
Keep preaching it!

Teri said...

If you read Leviticus 11:6 it says: "And the hare, because he cheweth cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you". Rabbits do not chew their cud. They do not have two stomachs. Are we to believe this then because the Bible tells me so? I think we, as intelligent human beings, have to know that the Bible has been changed many times to suit whomever it needed to suit (ie: Roman Catholic Church, etc.) and we cannot take it verbatim. I believe that if you just ask yourself: would Jesus do this? If you can honestly say "yes" to that question, you have nothing to worry about. It's a touchy subject. What's great is that we are all free to believe in what we wish. No judgment attached. Jesus would not judge. I don't even think that he would keep you from going to heaven. How could he? He is all-loving, right?

NikonSniper said...

Jesus declared that he was the only way. i am not the judge ... He is and He says what will happen to those who refuse to believe in the gospels. i didn't say it. He did.
many have argued that the Bible has been changed repeatedly for convenience but most who have looked into that a little more discover that quite the opposite is true.
all i am saying is that i believe what Jesus said. and you are 100% right that we can all have our own view. it doesn't mean that all views are right. my view is simply to say ... Jesus said it and i believe it. isn't that naive in this day and age? it makes me look like a fool?
nikonsniper steve

Atkins Family said...

Beautifully said.

AmandaQuinn said...

Amen from a sister in Christ!

Cheryl Pass said...

I stopped by and hadn't been to your blog for a while...wanted to catch up. Your post here is so reassuring. Sometimes one needs to hear the faithful words of another Christian..just to be reminded of what binds us together in a very crazy and hostile world. Thanks for writing it!!

Fun to see these gorgeous photos each time I look here!!