On a day when my mind is far away, ... God sent me a Hummingbird to entertain me and to remind me that He is still in control. Those close to me know what that means. Life has trials that are difficult to speak. God is bigger than any situation you encounter. He knows exactly what people need to get their attention and He is able to make all things work out for those who love Him. You have no idea how this little bird ministered to my needs today.
God also knew that this little bee would be immortalized in a photo! God knows everything. I am so glad I am not running the show!
nikonsniper steve

Beautiful photos and a great reminder. Thanks!
I love hummingbirds!!!! or Bummingherds as my Mother called them. *Ü*
Amazing! Congratulations for capturing it :)
Perfect captures! The old saying goes: "If you want to make God laugh, just tell him about "your" plans!" We are definitely NOT in control of anything.
Wonderful nice pictures, I have much to learn, I see he he.
Have a nice autumn day, Marit
This is beautiful in words and pictures. I know what you mean. Humming birds act like tiny messengers that God loves this world, you and me included. :)
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