I'm heading into the fog right now. I'll be back again someday. Not sure when right now. I'm tired. I need to evaluate what I am doing with my time.
Life for all of us is like living in the fog. We can see a few of our next steps but we can't see far into the horizon. We don't know what we are heading toward in our lives.
In the distant fog, I know Christ is there for me! That is reassuring. Direction and guidance are always available if I call out to Him. The more I call out ... the more the fog lifts. The more I see!
I just need time now. I am still photographing. I have some big events scheduled that will bring me back.
Thanks to all of you who have come here and shared your words.
God bless.
NikonSniper Steve
We'll always be here Steve when you choose to return.
Mersad Donko Photography
Stephen, I wish you well and I'll miss seeing your pictures all the time.
I know how you feel about being in a fog. The last 2 years for us have been difficult and we are floundering. I just keep telling myself "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." No matter what, He will see us through. I don't know why life is so difficult sometimes, but I guess there's a reason for it that I can't see.
Good luck my friend.
I will pray for guidance for you and ask Jesus to lift your "fog" and provide the direction you need. Blessings to you, my friend.
You will be guided to where you need to be. Please know,you have lead me to be closer to my maker through your photography!
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. I will miss seeing your photographs everyday. Take the time you need.
Lynda in Michigan.
Beautiful pic ! hum what I see ?
the fog ? yes, but first the tree standing straight !
Thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers...just wanted to let you know.
GOODNESS does not come with a plan
It is birthed in the hearts of man
Then passed from hand to hand
Never knowing where it came from or on whom it will finally land.
Excellent landscape photo! Landscape photo sometimes depend on luck, especially weather.
STEVEN I am so pleased to read this, thank god your still with us. I've been to that place in the fog, One night through prayers from many people. as promised an angel would come soon to take away my pain, The night the angel, she took away my pain the fog lifted forever, (notice i said she,it was many months later that I realized who my angle is, to walk here on earth with your guardian angel is indeed a privilege) many thanks to god for that. I have not looked back since. Have faith my friend, may god continue to bless your skills in photography. look forwards to your return. Martin
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