Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pickup Planter


Elaine said...

I love this! We've got this rusty old pickup in our yard awaiting renovation. I wonder if I can convince my hubby to throw a few barrels in the back so I can plant some flowers. Maybe next spring I will just do it and see how long it takes him to notice....

Tootie said...

Love this! :-)

Kcalpesh said...

Love the rust. Nicely shot!

~JarieLyn~ said...

I love this photo. I just took a photo of a rusty old truck two days ago; Of course, it didn't have flowers growing out of it but It is similar.

Very cool. I love old and rusty. It reminds me to slow down.

Eve said...

Or is it "Aged Whiskey"??
This is great in so many ways!!

Gigi Ann said...

That is awesome! Love it.

ShEiLa said...

Nothing like old and broken down stuff when it comes to finding a photography target.


Anonymous said...

This is an old steam driven lorry.
some of the English steam fanatics would love to get their hands on it as a restoration job,

Martin said...

hi Stephen.

lovely shot, (times gone by), unfortunately, Make a really interesting project to refurbish back to working order, what a pleasure to see that run again. martin

NikonSniper said...

S B Tamare,
I am sorry! I read what you wrote a few days ago and thought it was idiotic! AND I completely disagreed with your views. This is simply a photography blog ... so I don't have to give you the right to blather about things that you are simply wrong about.
I wasn't offended by what you said but I thought it might offend others wwho read it.
So I decided to edit your pro-terrorist ideas out with a click.
Why? Because I felt like it!
And if you make similar statements here again they won't appear.
Thanks. How's that for democracy?
The Sheriff/Judge/Jury NikonSniper Steve