Monday, September 3, 2012

Toss Me A Teenager With Headphones


Brian Miller said...

lunch! cool shot. love to watch the polar bears.

Vicki ~ FL said...

Love it.......

Silvia said...

Is it you he is looking at with those hungry eyes? I hope not!

Caio Fern said...

i liked his expression !!

Elaine said...

Beautiful shot! Where exactly were you? Did you ever visit the Anchorage zoo? This photo reminds me of a polar bear named Binky in the Anchorage Zoo that was quite famous. A tourist climbed over two fences to get a close-up shot and got mauled by Binky. She was hospitalized with a broken legs and bite wounds. It was three days before the zookeepers could retrieve the shoe and a photographer got a shot of Binky with Binky hanging onto the shoe by the shoelace. A few weeks later some teenagers had a bit too much to drink and decided to swim in Binky's pool. One ended up mauled and was hospitalized. For a while there was quite a brisk business in merchandise featuring Binky with the shoe. Of course, you would never climb over any fences in your pursuit of the perfect photo!

Mellodee said...

HAHAHA! Can't add a thing to that! :D

Unai said...

Awww... lovely

António Ja Batalha said...

Olá , passei pela net encontrei o seu blog e o achei muito bom, li algumas coisas folhe-ei algumas postagens, gostei do que li e desde já quero dar-lhe os parabéns, e espero que continue se esforçando para sempre fazer o seu melhor, quando encontro bons blogs sempre fico mais um pouco meu nome é: António Batalha. Como sou um homem de Deus deixo-lhe a minha bênção. E que haja muita felicidade e saude em sua vida e em toda a sua casa.
PS. Se desejar seguir o meu blog,Peregrino E Servo, fique á vontade, eu vou retribuir.