Sunday, August 4, 2013

Crystal Lake Sunrise


Patrinas Pencil said...

oooh lala
need to get out my guitar and worship the God of all creation. I could sit here for a while and just rest ad worship!

Helen said...

This is beautiful. I love sunrises and sunsets. Helen said...

It's wonderful, you've hitted the sunrise in the right moment. Excellent.

Theresa Addington said...

picture makes me want to sail out onto that water in the sunrise~ very enjoyable.

In the Light of the Moon said...

A wonderful way to start the day!!Warmest Regards,Cat

Dawning Inspiration said...

Very pretty composition!

Madelens Blogg said...

Loved all your photos...

Josie said...

Stephen, I'm so glad you found me! I know my blog is mostly about me the Therapy Dog, but mommy also loves bird watching, flowers, and the great outdoors and daddy bought her a Nikon D50 for her birthday, so when we go on nice long walks or when she is bird watching sometimes she gets a nice shot every now and then. So stop on by when you get a chance and you might be pleasantly surprised. At least you can catch up on my visits. Your photos are very inspiring and though invoking. So nice to meet you! I can tell we are going to be friends! ;-) Woof Woof!

Remington said...

Thank you for the beautiful picture. It does wonders for the soul to see such splendor!

rcubes said...

So beautiful. Reminds me of our vacations in Central CA. It's beautiful to wake up to sunrises by the water. Like this. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Your photography is amazing! I'm becoming yet another of your many followers and am looking forward to more!



Japy said...

Beautiful. what else can I say? Greetings.

Julie said...


Nefertiti said...

simplement superbe !

Laura said...

lovely photo!

Sadia said...

Caught at the right moment! Beautiful!

nanny said...

Can't beat a sunrise or sunset in my book!

myletterstoemily said...

gorgeous! love the light reflecting from shore to

irondad said...

I enjoy your blog immensely. I would have to describe myself as a deep sea diver, to take away a phrase from one of your earlier posts. I finally learned to spot meter on a spot away from the sun, lock focus, then recompose. What a difference!

I don't comment but once in a great while, but I learn a ton from looking at your photos and reading some of your more detailed posts.

The photos here are wonderfully executed!

Ellen said...

Hi! My first in your blog. What a lovely blog to be reading! Love your pictures. Thank you for this pleasure of enjoying them.

Will be coming back.
Have a good day.
God bless you and your family.

Lillian Robinson said...

Love the variety of subjects. Awesome shots!

Thanks for following my essays blog. Most of my life is posted on my farm blog, though.

I will be back to enjoy more of your lovely photography.

Tongue Trip said...

serenity of the quiet. this is melting.

Malu Silverman said...

I love this sunset!

Ben Oliveira said...


Unknown said...

I'm always chasing sunsets and you have captured it!

Gypsy Quilter said...


Susan said...

Beautiful, very beautiful!