Tara received word late last night that she will ship out at 1AM to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. Words can not describe the gammit of emotions captured by my camera lenses. Some of the photos will be shared here on NikonSniper. Some of the very best moments were only captured by our eyes and ears. They are memories of great pride in our daughter and in the men and women that serve us all. These moments will be cherished by us forever.
Tara will now enter another chapter of her military life. Advanced Individual Training or AIT begins this week. We understand this will be roughly 19 weeks. Tara's world gets a little bigger every day. We covet your continued prayers for her life and safety. Thank you so much for all the kind thoughts and words you have shared with us as we enter the Army family life in new ways.
God bless all of you who minister to us in these ways. Tara has had no internet access during basic training and so she is getting to read all of your comments on several posts made since Memorial Day for the very first time this weekend. You are priceless! Thanks.
NikonSniper Steve
I can't imagine what goes through your mind at moments like this.
You must be so proud of Tara. She sounds like a wonderful woman.
Best wishes from Vancouver.
Why 1 am? That disturbs a person's sleep cycle. THANK YOU for the updates and thank her again for her service to us. We are honored.
don't know why 1am. but they prepare soldiers to do things we never would think of doing well in advance of being forced to do them.
nikonsniper steve
Your statement "Tara's world gets a little bigger every day" is both exciting but frightening for the parent. It just reminds me of the push-pull that goes on as a parent. We want our children to fly but really want to attach a string in case we need to reel them in.
I haven't stopped praying for Tara either.
I've done the very early morning travel thing myself, and it's an experience. I know your daughter will do well in AIT and beyond. Vaya con Dios, Tara.
Hi Stephen:
I welcome Tara to Texas! You tell her she has a friend in Texas and give her my email in case she needs anything down here. Enjoyed your photojourney into Tara's world. Thanks for sharing. brendasue
I remember your post when Tara left for basic trng- wow that went by fast! Congrats to Tara & good luck w/ the AIT.
Congratulations to you as the proud father and to Tara for a job well done. Please thank her for her service to our country. We appreciate everything she and all the other service men and women do to protect our nation. Blessings~
Stephen, I am so moved by her courage and your courage. Love,Jamie
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