Friday, January 11, 2013

Tangerine Hills


jewelry by NaLa said...

Beautiful shot. I expect to see native American Indians arriving at any moment ...

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Wishing you all the very best for the Christmas and the New Year!

The Muse said...

Back from my TOD and stopping in to wish the blessings of Christmas to my blogland friends!

I love the color combos!

Brenda's Arizona said...

Where? Utah?

Don and Sher said...

....and marmalade skies. Looks like the trip is a blast.

Scott Law said...

Looks like a place about 300 miles South of my house. Nice shot.

Sylvia said...

A very inspiring place...

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Gorgeous!!! You make me homesick for the southwest...It is snowing here...4 ft drifts already, and snow continues to fall! Hope you are staying warm where you are!! Have a very Merry Christmas, my friend! Hugs, Janine

Becky said...

Beautiful photos. I like how you integrate your faith with your photography. God has given us a wonderful canvas to capture. Thanks for visiting my blog. Merry Christmas.

Rachel said...

hi! thanks for the follow, i'm introgued as to your reasoning?
your photography is inspiring:)

limoguy said...

Great shot. Love the color contrast. Painted desert?

NikonSniper said...

brenda,bull rhino, limoguy,
this is northeast arizona in the painted desert.
all the best to you all.
nikonsniper steve

Carole Barkett said...

definitely one photo you have to click on and enlarge to fully appreciate, so amazing

The Angry Vegetarian said...

Great shot. Messed with my perception for a bit when I first stared at it.