Monday, May 13, 2013

Creator's Brushstrokes


Gemel said...

Certainly is, the beauty of the earth humbles me, especially when others see it too.

becky said...

I'm guessin' you're pretty happy right about now... that is some beautiful country. Are you sure you're working, too?

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Wow! U went there to take the photo? Nice dude...

Hey visit my blog to see my latest photo.

Dagmar said...

ha this makes me thing of Bob that painter who always said a little bit of green here and there. Gosh I forgot his last name. Do you know who I mean?

Love this photo.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

That is SO amazing! He's really given you an eye to truly see His beauty. So glad you share it with us.

A person could look at the photo a long time and still not see it all.

Helen said...

That is a beautiful scene. Enjoy your trip. Helen

Katherine said...

Wow this is a spectacular view...just lovely! The creator doth paint a beautiful picture indeed!

Rose said...

Wow, that is breathtaking!

Unknown said...

Great! Like a postcard. I like it.

Rick said...

Are you familiar with Brian Doerksen's song 'Creation Calls' ? Check it out - fits your beautiful photo nicely.