Friday, February 24, 2012

NikonSniper Is Three Years Young

We're 3! Well, it's hard to believe that NikonSniper has lasted this long. Three years have zoomed past and I'm still here. In fact, it's even harder to believe that the blog interest continues to grow. Thank you so much for your encouraging comments along the way.
Here is a photo dating back to when the only followers were direct family. Now there have been more than 11,000 page views in the last 30 days. There have been more than 62,000 hits from more than 25,000 computers in more than 140 countries in the last 6 months. AND that's way more than I ever expected! Crazy! Thank you so much.
God bless you all.
NikonSniper Steve


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Happy Birthday! Well done blog! :)

Don and Krise said...

Anytime. We'll be right here.

Jill said...

Happy Birthday, here's to many more.

Hugs Jill x

Elaine said...

Congrats on three years! You've done well.

ShEiLa said...

Kudos to you for your continued blog success. Love it!!!!


Agata said...

congratulations and regards form Poland, well done :)

WPgirl said...

Congrats! Keep going. I enjoy your photos very much.
Lynda in Michigan

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary Nikon Sniper! Well done!

Arnoya Ari said...

The forest is responsible in the same way, as there are called. (Finnish proverb) Well done.

Ruby said...

Congratulations!!!! And have many more birthdays Sniper! Cheers, Ruby

Julie Ferguson said...

Thanks for sharing all your fantastic photos....congrats!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

You deserve it. It's a fantastic blog and showing beauty on all sides.
Wonderful photographs and insightful content.
Congratulations! and to follow. We are awaiting the next entry.
A hug.

Katie J ♥ said...

I was one of the first followers way back when. I absolutely adore your blog and smile with every post. Thanks for your inspiration and your gifts you share with us - wishing you another 3 years of blogging success!

Linda said...

Congratulations! I enjoy your pictures; thanks for sharing them with the world.

Muffy's Marks said...

God bless you too. I am so thankful for you sharing your great talents. I never tire of looking at your perspective of things through your photography.

Justine Valinotti said...

Congratulations on three years of a great blog.

What I love is that you show so many aspects of what you see. You definitely are an artist.

Also, I've enjoyed seeing your winter scenes, as we've had almost no snow and no stretches of really cold weather, so far, here in NY!

frenchie said...

Thank you so much for sharing