Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Country Road


Anonymous said...

Stephen, I love this picture. I like the idea that you look down a road that seems as though it continues forever, yet you're not sure. Great composition. Very relaxing picture through my eyes. Thank you for adding me, I appreciate your interest in my photography. I have only just begun photography. I hope to get some shots as great as yours one day.

Stacy said...

Your pictures are beautiful. Just when I think "that one's my favorite," I find another one that tops it. Which Nikon do you use and what sort of lenses if you don't mind me asking?

NikonSniper said...

i am so glad you went back and found this photo. it was one of my favorites but it really didn't get a lot of notice. i love when that happens. i feel my taste is not exactly mainstream but i remember this shot because of the bluey billowing clouds over the road.
i am continuely upgrading equipment. i will add a post near the top of the blog stating the equipment i am using at the moment.
nikonsniper steve

Anonymous said...

Makes me believe that the stately tree is strategically positioned there as a watchman for whatever is just over the edge of the road.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Fabulous picture! Seems to go endlessly and looks like the one less traveled.

Cheryl said...

Wonderful photo.

Julie said...

I love this photo. It reminds me of being lost in Wisconsin on my motorbike, following my partner who was not happy to be lost on some little dinky county road that was quickly dwindling to the equivalent of a goat path... but I loved coming up over the rise not knowing where the road was going to go next or disappear altogether, plus I had him on foward point as my canary in the coal mine. Someday soon I'm going to go to Galena, IL again and head north to get lost in Wisconsin. I do so love the rolling hills and living in northern Indiana, don't get to see them too often.

NikonSniper said...

you may be interested in knowing that this photo was taken on a bumpkin road, north of galena, in wisconsin. that is for sure. i was very intrigued by these roads to the sky not knowing the other side. the stately trees and the deep blue weather ahead had me off to the side of the road to shoot this.
nikonsniper steve

Irismar Oliveira said...

Good night, Stephen! Welcome to Living by the word. I also am already here. Congratulations on the blog.

The Angry Vegetarian said...

Great pictures, brings up all sorts of emotions. Also reminds me of James Taylor

Taylor said...

Awesome! great shot!

Montanagirl said...

Love this whole photo, but esp. the tree!