Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Having A Bad Hair Day!


Flutterby said...

Thanks for seeing the humor in nature. I enjoy the picture and the caption.

Anonymous said...

It's just the way my hair looks like now :)

Katelin & Shaun said...

Love the Sunflowers even though they are having a "bad hair day" :)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Love this caption! To funny!

Katelin & Shaun said...

Love the Sunflowers even with their "bad hair day" :)

Cheryl said...

Been there, done that feeling! Love it.

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

I love the title!

* said...

Funny! Good one.

Katherine said...

So even a sunflower can have a bad hair day!
I was thinking they looked a little sad!!