Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Will Soon Come Bustin' Through


gogouci said...

I've been waiting to see these bloom all season.

GabrielTBalanescu said...

Nice, we have to wait just a bit longer for the flowers to bloom in our side of the world ;)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait!

Pchełka said...

in our country too, but I always have to visit your blog and your pictures :)) rgds

Heckety said...

Bust away! We're ready fer ya!

kyungmee said...

sweet blooms! Spring is coming!

Anonymous said...

Ohh yeah, and what do you mean about my latest days photos taken on Lolland, Denmark?

Dav said...

Nice Work, beautiful photography. Congratulations


Muy buenos motivos para detenerse, "oler las rosas" y preciosas fotografías.Y Eso que comentas de tus tatara nietos, jejeje es curioso, yo también siento algo parecido. Pienso que después de mi desaparición, al paso de los años , mis biznietos o si alguien se detiene un momento a mirar alguna de mis obras, me estará mirando de alguna manera a mi y así continuaré conectada de alguna manera con nuestro mundo a través de sus ojos.
Gracias por tu visita..Te sigo

Sniffles and Smiles said...

I can almost smell them!!!! Love the blue in the background've really set off the blooms well with your amazing composition!! Hugs, Janine

Bruce Caspersonn said...

You are welcome to Spring. I am looking forward to Autumn (sorry Fall)...To each his own!

Werty said...

Extremely beautiful!
Ive noticed you started following my blog. Tell me, can you read in spanish?
If not, did the translator work fine? I mean, is it understandable?

Good Luck!

blue moss said...

so pretty....
loving all the your fabulous images

Cheryl said...

Sure wish the laptop screen was "scratch and sniff"! I love the smell of these blossoms.

NikonSniper said...

sorry i don't speak or read spanish. i can understand the translator.
all the best.
nikonsniper steve

Vhincci Subia said...

wow! great! :)

sérgio said...

Obrigado pela visita! Gostei muito do seu blog!